Applying to the Enhanced Road Safety Transfer Payment Program (ERSTPP) – 2023 to 2026 Call for Proposals

Assessment criteria

Applicants are asked to please use the Project Proposal Template when preparing their project proposal for funding under ERSTPP.

Project assessment

A cross-disciplinary committee will review all project applications to decide if the project meets the ERSTPP eligibility requirements and will evaluate the proposals' strength based on the overall assessment criteria listed in three sections.

Section A: Road safety impact/results

Selection criteria

Strong proposals will:

Criteria #1: The relevance of the anticipated project outcomes to one or more objectives of the Program

  1. provide a clear understanding of the objective and targeted outcome of the project
  2. identify objectives listed below as targeted objectives of the project
  3. demonstrate clearly how project findings or outcomes can be utilized or applied effectively, and how they would clearly benefit the transportation industry as it relates to road safety
  4. identify clearly how the project's outcome will contribute to the ultimate outcome of the program listed below

Immediate expected results

  1. Enhanced shared knowledge of emerging road safety technologies
  2. Increased overall contribution to the national collection and public dissemination of timely and quality road safety data
  3. Enhanced development, maintenance, and enforcement of safe road practice initiatives
  4. Increased communications and cooperation with the provinces and territories to develop, maintain, and improve the enforcement of the safety fitness framework

Ultimate outcome of ERSTPP

Project will contribute to the decrease in fatalities, injuries, collisions and social costs related to motor vehicle collisions

Criteria #2: Reach and scope of the project

  1. National impact: a minimum of three provinces and/or territories partnered in a project, or minimum three major cities across Canada, or will be disseminated across national platforms
  2. Regional impact: two provinces and/or territories in same region, or will be disseminated across regional platforms
  3. Provincial/Territorial impact: one province or territory, or three or more jurisdictions within the same province or territory, or will be disseminated within one province or territory
  4. Local impact: one or two cities/towns, or will be disseminated across local partners

Criteria #3: Performance measurement strategy and reach of dissemination

  1. clearly demonstrate how the project will generate results that can be reported to key stakeholders in the road safety community
  2. clearly demonstrate how performance measurements are clear, achievable, and realistic, while the strategy to assess the proposed performance measurements is feasible and aligns with the ERSTPP objectives
  3. clearly demonstrate how the performance measurement strategy is sound and well documented, and demonstrate the validity of the methodology where necessary in the project
  4. clearly identify steps that will be taken to disseminate results with key stakeholders in the industry, including provinces, territories and CCMTA, to ultimately allow others to create or enhance nationally consistent tools that address road safety challenges, such as frameworks, standards, policies, programs, and outreach activities

Criteria #4: Focus areas and interventions

  1. project with one or more priority focus areas
  2. interventions (outreach, research, technology) proposed will directly contribute to the challenges of the focus areas identified and ultimately improve Road Safety in Canada

Top Priority Focus Areas

  1. Projects that address the leading causes of road collisions and fatalities, including impaired, distracted, and aggressive driving and excessive speed
  2. Projects that provide opportunities to invest in initiatives that promote innovative design, testing, and integration of Connected and Automated Vehicles
  3. Projects that contribute to the education, training, testing, and enhancement of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems technologies

Other Focus Areas

  1. Vulnerable road users (example: non-motorized users)
  2. Commercial motor vehicles (example: electronic logging devices, training, driver fatigue, etc.)
  3. Enforcement activities
  4. Emerging technologies in road safety
Section B: Project plan and implementation

Selection criteria

Strong proposals will:

Criteria #5: Project plan and budget

  1. provide a realistic and comprehensive project plan including concrete deliverables, budget, timelines, and milestones of the project
  2. describe any project dependencies, interdependencies to implementing the project
  3. include a detailed presentation of the activities, expenditures and cash flow requirements for the project including a breakdown of the items and expenses
  4. demonstrate relationships between objectives and expenditures tied to activities
  5. where applicable, include signed commitments from third party organizations who plan to financially contribute to the project and/or who plan to partner with the applicant to execute the project

Criteria #6: Risk mitigation measures

  1. identify a comprehensive list of risks associated with the project delivery
  2. clearly describe the implication of those risks on project delivery and provide a realistic assessment of the level of risk
  3. identify measures to mitigate the impact of each risk identified

Criteria #7: Value for money

  1. clearly demonstrate how funding the project will represent an appropriate use of public monies funds achieving the broader objectives of the ERSTPP
  2. set out an efficient use of resources and plans for producing outputs in an affordable manner
  3. demonstrate how funds will be used efficiently and effectively to achieve the outcome, product or goal of the project, which is in line with the objectives of the ERSTPP
  4. demonstrate how the concept of the project described in the proposal is feasible/achievable
  5. demonstrate how the conclusion, results or findings of the project can be applied and effectively used in the industry
Section C: Applicant’s relevant experience and capacity

Selection criteria

Strong proposals will:

Criteria #8: Applicant experience and expertise

  1. clearly demonstrate a track record of successful project delivery for the organization
  2. provide evidence of stable and experienced project staff with strong capacity, where the project manager and key staff have the relevant qualifications and experience to undertake, manage, and carry out the project on behalf of the organization
  3. provide sufficient proof of institutional, management/organizational structure, financial controls and other support to successfully deliver the project

Transport Canada will distribute funding as equitably as possible. Transport Canada has designed the assessment process to make sure that eligible projects represent the best value to the ERSTPP's objectives and expected results. As such, some projects may not be funded due to departmental priorities.

Note: If your proposal will involve testing or other activity on a public roadway you must confirm clearly in your application that you are actively engaging any applicable jurisdictional authorities (e.g., provincial/territorial ministry of transportation/municipal government authorities etc.) to secure their support and approval. If selected for funding, prior to the signing of a contribution agreement, applicants will be required to provide a letter of support from any applicable provincial/territorial ministries of transportation as well as the name/contact information of a ministry official Transport Canada can contact as necessary. It is the sole responsibility of the applicant to secure approvals from relevant government authorities.

Assessment results

After the evaluation process, the reviewing committee will make formal recommendations to the Minister of Transport for final funding decisions. Transport Canada will notify both successful and unsuccessful applicants of the outcome by email, once a decision has been made. Transport Canada reserves the right to accept or reject any project proposal.

ERSTPP service standards

To improve service and conduct a transparent process, the ERSTPP team will provide you with a written acknowledgement by email that your application has been received within 10 business days after the application deadline.