Non-funding programs

Transport Canada programs support our commitment to a safe and secure transportation system that's environmentally responsible and innovative.

List of programs





Pre-Load Air Cargo Targeting Program

An initiative to identify and mitigate risks to aviation security, and assess pre-load air cargo information ( PLACI ) submitted by air carriers prior to loading onto inbound international aircraft.


Canada’s State Safety Program - International Civil Aviation Organization

A program for organizing a country’s aviation system to encourage safety.


Air Cargo Security Program

A system for keeping cargo secure during its journey, preventing tampering and reducing airport delays. Air carriers, agents, consignors and cargo administrators may join the program.


Passenger Protect Program

Screening of commercial passenger flights to, from and within Canada to prevent security threats. A joint program with Public Safety Canada.


National Aerial Surveillance Program

Air patrol program that helps prevent marine oil spills and provides surveillance of the north.


Navigation Protection Program

Program that assesses whether there are risks to navigation in waterways, and whether boats may be removed as wrecks or abandoned boats.


Small Vessel Compliance Program

Voluntary program for owners of small commercial vessels to help them comply with safety and environmental standards.

Protecting the environment

ecoTECHNOLOGY for Vehicles Program

Testing of new vehicle technology safety, environmental impact and driving performance (passenger cars, heavy-duty trucks).

Supporting multiple modes of transportation

Transportation Security Clearance Program

Screening program for transportation workers with certain responsibilities to ensure they aren't security threats.

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