Aviation Safety Letter: Issue 3/2023

Previously, the ASL was only available in PDF, but starting with issue 3/2019, it’s now also available in HTML. This change makes it easier to share articles with others—but more importantly, will make it easier to search for specific topics.

If you don’t already receive an ASL e-bulletin notification email, we encourage you to sign-up online.

Have a great aviation photo? Send it to TC.ASL-SAN.TC@tc.gc.ca for a chance to be featured on the cover page of an upcoming issue of the ASL!

The power of the spoken word

Call sign confusion was formally identified as one of NAV CANADA’s top operational safety risks as far back as 2018 and has remained a risk since that time. This risk, which is not limited to Canada, is a contributing factor in some safety-related events.

Transport Canada’s flight crew recency requirements self-paced study program

No longer published in its entirety in the ASL, exam available online only.


Miscommunication errors can be prevented

Miscommunications can happen between even the most experienced professionals. Increasing awareness of some of the potential miscommunication errors identified as contributing hazards in safety events may prevent them from reoccurring.

Aviation Safety Letter article submission

Share your expert knowledge, promote aviation safety.


Instructor’s corner article submission

The purpose of the ASL instructor’s corner is for instructors to share past instructing/teaching experience with the ASL readership.

Cold weather operations

The cold weather is upon us and so is the season for de-icing and anti-icing.


TSB Final Report A22W0027—In-flight icing and collision with terrain

Mooney M20K (Mooney 231) aircraft, pilots must be diligent when checking the weather before a flight by consulting all available weather resources, including NAV CANADA flight information centres, and reviewing all available weather products, including pilot reports and special weather reports, for the area of the planned flight. (See PDF for condensed version).

TSB Final Report A22C0082—Collision with Obstacle

Cessna 172 aircraft, pilots are reminded of the importance of consulting available navigational charts when flight planning and in flight so as to avoid colliding with obstacles identified on those charts. (See PDF for condensed version).


TSB Final Report A22C0027—Loss of Control and Collision with Terrain

Piper Cherokee PA-28-140, continued flight under night VFR into areas with reduced visual cues, such as areas with limited cultural lighting or deteriorating weather, can lead to spatial disorientation and a loss of control. All pilots—no matter how experienced they are—need to plan ahead and consider strategies to avoid such conditions, as well as have alternate plans should such conditions be encountered. (See PDF for condensed version).

Poster—Aviation safety starts here

Pre-flight planning.



The Aviation Safety Letter is published by Transport Canada, Civil Aviation. The contents do not necessarily reflect official government policy and, unless stated, should not be construed as regulations or directives.

Articles, comments and suggestions are invited. The editor reserves the right to edit all published articles. The author’s name will be withheld from publication upon request.

Please send your comments, suggestions or articles to:

Jim Mulligan, Editor
Aviation Safety Letter
E-mail: TC.ASL-SAN.TC@tc.gc.ca
Tel.: 343-553-3022
Internet: canada.ca/aviation-safety-letter

Some of the articles, photographs and graphics that appear in the Aviation Safety Letter are subject to copyrights held by other individuals and organizations. In such cases, some restrictions on the reproduction of the material may apply, and it may be necessary to seek permission from the rights holder prior to reproducing it. To obtain information concerning copyright ownership and restrictions on reproduction of the material, please contact the Aviation Safety Letter editor.

Note: Reprints of original Aviation Safety Letter material are encouraged, but credit must be given to Transport Canada’s Aviation Safety Letter. Please forward one copy of the reprinted article to the editor.

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Sécurité aérienne — Nouvelles est la version française de cette publication.

© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Transport (2023).

ISSN: 0709-8103
TP 185E