Reviewing your application
After you submit your ERAP application using ERAP online services (EOS), we will confirm by email that your application has been sent to us.
Using the following process, we will then review your application:
- A remedial measures specialist (RMS) is assigned your ERAP application.
- The RMS reviews your application and makes a recommendation to the Chief, Response Operations (CRO). If your application is incomplete or inaccurate, we return it to you so you can make changes and resubmit.
- Based on the RMS's recommendation, the CRO makes a decision about your application.
Check your application status
Any time during this process, you may log in to EOS to check your application status on your ERAP dashboard.
Processing ERAP applications
Your application processing time:
- starts once we have received your application and all supporting documents
- only applies if the application is properly completed
- restarts every time you resubmit
Keep in Mind
If your ERAP expires, even while we review your application or ask for changes, it is no longer valid and your ERAP reference number cannot be used on a shipping document. You will have to wait for a new approval before shipping those dangerous goods that need an ERAP.
Service standards
- Using EOS: 20 business days
- If a member of the TDG Response Operations group completes the application on your behalf: 60 business days
Types of decisions
After your ERAP is reviewed, you will receive one of the following decisions:
- Approved
- Interim approved, if we need to investigate further to ensure the plan can be implemented effectively
- Refused
- Revoked
- Request for changes
The primary and secondary ERAP contacts listed in your application will receive an email with this decision.
In some cases, we may extend an approval period or grant a temporary approval. For more information on types of decisions, see the Guide to apply for approval of an ERAP.
Approved ERAPs
If your ERAP application is approved, you will receive an approval document with:
- the expiry date of your ERAP approval
- your ERAP reference number, to include on shipping documents per subsection 3.6(1) of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations
- the details of your approval: the dangerous goods, modes of transport and geographical area in which you can transport them
- the conditions of your approval
We will send the approval document by email to the ERAP contacts listed on your application. It will also be available on your ERAP dashboard in EOS.