Register a new, Canadian-manufactured aircraft

Fee: $110

If you get an aircraft and wish to fly it, you must register it first.

What you need to do before you register

Before you apply to register an aircraft:

  • Contact a Civil Aviation regional office to ask about registration
  • Apply to Civil Aviation to get registration marks for your aircraft
    • There is no fee, except if you wish to reserve a mark ($45) or reserve a special mark ($140)

How to apply

  1. Complete the Application for Registration of Aircraft [PDF, 1.03 MB]
  2. Attach the following documents:
    • proof of ownership (for example, a bill of sale)
    • a photo of the aircraft’s ID plate, showing the:
      • name of manufacturer
      • model
      • serial number
      • type certificate number (if applicable)
  3. Enclose the aircraft registration fee of $110 (payable to the Receiver General for Canada) or pay using our Online Payment System
  4. Mail your application package to the Transport Canada Civil Aviation office in your region