Apply for or manage a vessel registration

After you apply

Once we've processed your request, we will send you a certificate of registry.

If you registered your vessel in the Small Vessel Register, your certificate will show your vessel’s official number which will begin with the letter “C” (eg, C00000BC).

If you register your vessel in the Large Vessel Register, your certificate will show your vessel's official number, official name and port of registry.

Transport Canada is phasing-in new digital certificates of registry, starting with those who applied through the Small Vessel Register.

Clients who provide us with an email address will receive their official certificates of registry by email. In the early stages of the digital roll-out, clients who apply by mail will still be mailed a paper copy of their certificate.

Digital certificates offer robust security features to protect the integrity of your certificate.

Here's what you can expect:

  • Encrypted and secure: your information is protected
  • QR code verification: each certificate includes a QR code for quick status checks
  • Sent to your email: receive it directly in your inbox
  • Accessible everywhere: save it to any device for easy access
  • Print when needed: easy print option if you prefer a physical copy

The QR code will bring you to the Electronic Validation Électronique (EVE) search tool where you can search and confirm the status of your Transport Canada digital documents. The PDF viewer can also confirm the signature authenticity of your digital certificate.

Important notice

You must always carry a copy of your certificate of registry on board your vessel.

Whether you keep a digital or paper copy, make sure you can show it if asked.

We recommend storing paper certificates in a plastic bag or other covering to protect it from damage. Do not laminate your certificate. Laminating a certificate invalidates it as an official document.

If you do not have a valid certificate of registry for your vessel, you are subject to fines and penalties under the Canada Shipping Act, 2001.

Marking your vessel

Your Certificate of Registry isn't valid until your vessel is marked.

You must permanently attach markings to the vessel. Make sure that changes or attempts to remove or replace them will not cause scarring or damage to the surrounding hull area.

The requirement to mark your vessel vary based on the type of vessel you registered.

Table 1: How to mark a vessel
Type of vessel What to display Where to display the information
Vessels registered in the Small Vessel Register Official Numbers: in block characters not less than 75 mm high and in a colour that contrasts with the background colour. Official Number: on each side of the bow of the vessel, or on a board permanently attached to the vessel as close to the bow as possible, so the number is clearly visible from each side of the bow.
Vessels registered in the Large Vessel Register
  • Name of vessel: in readable letters of Latin alphabet and Arabic or Roman numerals that are at least 10 cm high
  • Port of registry: in readable letters of Latin alphabet and Arabic or Roman numerals that are at least 10 cm high
  • Net registered tonnage and official number: in block-type Arabic numerals that are at least 4 cm high
  • Name of vessel: on the stern and each side of bow.
  • Port of registry: on the stern
  • Net registered tonnage and official number: on a clearly visible interior structural part of the hull, mark:
    • "N.R.T."; before the net registered tonnage
    • "O.N."; before the official number
    • If you used the Assigned Formal Tonnage method, only the O.N. needs to be marked since the net tonnage will not appear on your Certificate of Registry.
A pleasure craft or air cushion vehicle (hovercraft) registered in the Canadian Register of Vessels
  • Name of vessel and port of registry: in readable letters of Latin alphabet and Arabic or Roman numerals that are at least 10 cm high
  • Net registered tonnage and official number: in block-type Arabic numerals that are at least 4 cm high
  • Name of vessel and port of registry: on the exterior hull
  • Net registered tonnage and official number: on a clearly visible interior structural part of the hull, mark:
    • "N.R.T."; before the net registered tonnage
    • "O.N."; before the official number
    • If you used the Assigned Formal Tonnage method, only the O.N. needs to be marked since the net tonnage will not appear on your Certificate of Registry.