Apply for or manage a Pleasure Craft Licence (PCL)

After you apply

If documents are missing, you will receive an email with a link where you can upload the missing documents. You will get a reminder on the 45th and 75th day after the initial email.

If we don’t receive the documents within 90 days for online applications, or 1 year for mail-in applications, your application will be automatically rejected. You will have to resubmit a new application.

If your request was to transfer or renew an existing licence, you will need to use the original licence number when reapplying.

If the request was for a new licence, the previous numbers won’t be valid and a new licence number will be assigned to your craft when reapplying.

Once we’ve received all documentation and the Pleasure Craft Licensing Centre completes the application, we will send you a permanent pleasure craft licence document by email.

This document will include the pleasure craft licence number which must be marked on either side of your pleasure craft and should be kept on board at all times.

Mark your craft

A pleasure craft can have only one set of identifying numbers. Displaying more than one set of identifying numbers can result in a fine.

To mark the licence number on your pleasure craft, place the numbers:

  • on each side of the bow of the pleasure craft 
  • above the waterline
  • in block characters:
    • 7.5 cm (3 inches) high or more
    • in a colour that contrasts with the background colour

Note: Do not mark the craft if you’re a boat dealer and have a demonstration pleasure craft licence.