Exemptions to the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs)

Search for regulatory authorizations and exemptions to the Canadian Aviation Regulations.

Note on formats
  • HTML version of the exemptions are available for exemptions issued on 1999-03-10 onwards. Exemptions issued before that date are not in electronic format.

  • All exemptions issued as of May 29th, 2020 are available as a PDF request. Click the Exemption no. and enter your email address. You will automatically receive a copy of the document you request by email.

  • Exemptions from regions other than Headquarters (HQ) are only currently available in their original language. Please email ExemptionsAviation@tc.gc.ca to request a translated version.

  • Exemptions marked with * are not available due to privacy reasons. Please email ExemptionsAviation@tc.gc.ca to request a redacted version.


Displaying 376 - 400 of 3501
Exemption no. Issuance details Applicability Purpose

Issued: 2020-03-24

Expiry: 2020-08-01

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 402.04(1)(b)

Applicant provision(s): GLOBAL

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

NCR-026-2020 The purpose of this exemption is to adopt temporary measures in the public interest to reduce the regulatory demand on Government and the Air Navigation Service Provider resources in Canada following the declaration of a pandemic outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) by the World Health Organization on March 11th, 2020. The purpose of this exemption is to allow holders of currently valid provisional licenses and ratings issued in accordance with subsection 402.06(1) of the CARS which have a validity period that will end on or before June 1st, 2020 to continue exercising the privileges of a traffic control licence without the licence being valid.

Issued: 2020-03-24

Expiry: 2021-03-11

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 402.05

Applicant provision(s): GLOBAL

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

NCR-025-2020 The purpose of this exemption is to adopt temporary measures in the public interest to reduce the potential of person to person transmission in air traffic control units in Canada following the declaration of a pandemic outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11th, 2020.

Issued: 2020-03-23

Expiry: 2020-03-27

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 303.14

Applicant provision(s): GLOBAL

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

NCR-020-2020 The purpose of this exemption is to allow all Canadian airport operators to extend the period in which recurrent live-fire drill training is to be provided to all fire-fighting personnel from every 12 months to a maximum of 18 months. As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, this exemption would allow Canadian airport operators whose fire-fighting personnel are required to travel outside of their jurisdiction to the United States of America or Canada to complete their required recurrent live-fire training in order to maintain their level of proficiency to defer the requirement by a maximum of 6 months.

Issued: 2020-03-23

Expiry: 2021-09-24

Region: Atlantic

Routing: MA

CARS provision(s): 705.34(1)(a), 705.34(3)(b)

Applicant provision(s): PAL AIRLINES

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

ATL-005-2019 The purpose of this exemption is to allow the air operator, PAL Airlines Ltd., to depart from St. John’s International Airport using the Deer Lake Regional Airport or the Stephenville International Airport as take-off alternates, when the weather at Gander International airport is not suitable for it to be used as a take-off alternate, without having to meet the requirements of paragraphs 705.34(1)(a) or 705.34(3)(b) of the CARs and subparagraph 725.34(1)(b)(i) or subparagraph 725.34(2)(b)(i) of the CASS.

Issued: 2020-03-18

Expiry: 2020-07-31

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 705.124(1), 705.124(2)(B)(IV)C)

Applicant provision(s): GLOBAL

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

NCR-022-2020 The purpose of this exemption is to authorize Canadian air operators operating under Subpart 5 of Part VII of the CARs to conduct annual fire fighting drills without each trainee donning a self-contained P.B.E or training smoke hood as required by subsection 7.6.3(2) of TP 12296, Annual-Fire Fighting Drill, Equipment Criteria.

Issued: 2020-03-17

Expiry: 2020-08-01

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 404.03

Applicant provision(s): GLOBAL

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

NCR-021-2020 Cancelled and REPLACED by NCR-071-2020

Issued: 2020-03-16

Expiry: 2025-03-16

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 602.11(2)

Applicant provision(s): GLOBAL

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

NCR-009-2020 The purpose of this exemption is to authorize persons in Canada operating aircraft certified by Transport Canada for operation with Cold Soaked Fuel Frost (CSFF) on the upper wing surfaces to conduct take-offs with CSFF on the upper wing surfaces.

Issued: 2020-03-11

Expiry: 2025-03-10

Region: Quebec

Routing: NA

CARS provision(s): 602.40 (1),602.126(1) (c),602.128(1)(2)

Applicant provision(s): BOMBARDIER

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

QC-008-2019 - cancels QC-005-2018 This exemption allows Bombardier Inc. and its PICs and SICs to deviate from take-off minima, landing minima and approach ban restrictions while it develops, tests, evaluates, and certifies an infrared visual aid, the Bombardier Enhanced Flight Vision System (EFVS), which is displayed on the Head Up Display (HUD). This exemption applies to flight testing and operational evaluation of aeroplanes when operating under IFR conditions: 1) to descend below the Decision Height (DH) when conducting a CAT I precision approach and below the Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA) when conducting a non-precision approach to touchdown; 2) to commence an IFR approach if the reported RVR “A” or “B”, when measured for the runway in use is below 1,200 feet, and; 3) to acquire the required visual references and to take off when reported RVR is at least 600 feet or at least ¼ statute mile, if RVR is not available when low visibility procedures are in effect when using an EFVS instead of natural vision.

Issued: 2020-02-21

Expiry: 2022-11-30

Region: HQ

Routing: AARO

CARS provision(s): 705.124(1)b)

Applicant provision(s): AIR CANADA

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

OTT-001-2020 The purpose of this exemption is to allow Air Canada to conduct its Airbus Canada Limited Partnership BD-500 (Airbus A220) flight attendant aircraft type training without conducting the evacuation drills as required by section 7.4 of Initial training of the TP12296. This exemption allows Air Canada to treat the Airbus A220 single aisle aircraft as equivalent to the other single aisle aircraft in its fleet with respect to the conduct of evacuation drills.

Issued: 2020-02-13

Expiry: 2022-02-17

Region: HQ

Routing: AARM

CARS provision(s): 573.02(2)

Applicant provision(s): GLOBAL

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

NCR-007-2020 This exemption relieves AMOs with ratings in the Avionics, Instrument and Component categories from the requirements of subsection 573.02(11) of Standard 573. They will not be required to have procedures for the evaluation of undocumented parts outlined in Appendix H of Standard 571 approved in their Maintenance Policy Manual.

Issued: 2020-01-31

Expiry: 2024-11-30

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 305.20(b), 305.25(2)(a)

Applicant provision(s): GLOBAL

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

NCR-032-2019 This exemption authorizes Canadian certified heliport operators to allow heliport operations to continue when using helicopters larger than the heliport was originally certified for, when the Final Approach and Take-off Area (FATO) is less than 1.5 times the longest helicopter for which the heliport is currently certified.

Issued: 2020-01-29

Expiry: 2025-01-31

Region: HQ

Routing: AARO

CARS provision(s): 705.124(2)(b)(iv)(B)

Applicant provision(s): AIR CANADA

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

OTT-018-2019 The purpose of this exemption is to allow Air Canada to use a Boeing 767 over wing exit as an equivalent means of operating an EMB 190 over wing exit during Initial and Annual Flight Attendant Training as required by paragraph 7.3.1(a) of the Initial - Part Seven Drills and paragraph 7.1.1(a) of the Annual - Part Seven Drills of the Flight Attendant Training Standard (TP 12296).

Issued: 2020-01-20

Expiry: 2025-01-30

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 801.01(2)(a) and 801.08(b)

Applicant provision(s): NAV CANADA

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

NCR-030-2019 The purpose of this exemption is three-fold. Firstly, it enables NAV CANADA, as a holder of an Air Traffic Services (ATS) Operations Certificate, to provide air traffic services that are currently not enabled by the CARs at designated operational locations under specific conditions. Secondly, it enables air traffic controllers in the employ of NAV CANADA to issue air traffic control clearances or air traffic control instructions, in the case of domestic airspace, in accordance with specific conditions rather than meeting the requirements set out in Section 2.1, Chapter 3 of Standard 821. Thirdly, it enables air traffic controllers in the employ of NAV CANADA to apply three (3) miles separation in accordance with specific conditions within designated sectors at Area Control Centers (ACCs), where terminal control services are not currently provided.

Issued: 2020-01-13

Expiry: 2025-01-15

Region: Ontario

Routing: PA

CARS provision(s): 705.124(1)(b) and 7 05.124(2)(b)(IV)(B)

Applicant provision(s): Bradley Air Service (First Air)

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

ON-011-2019 The purpose of this exemption is to permit Bradley Air Services Limited to substitute the use of the B737-400 window exit for practical drills to complete the ATR42 window exit drills for flight attendant initial and annual training required by the FATS Initial, Part 7, 7.3.1(b) and Annual Part 7, 7.1.1(b), as reproduced in Appendix A.

Issued: 2020-01-13

Expiry: 2021-01-30

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 402.03(1)(b)(iii) and (iv)

Applicant provision(s): NAV CANADA

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

NCR-035-2019 The purpose of this exemption is two-fold. Firstly, it allows air traffic controllers who are working for NAV CANADA to obtain a location endorsement for Montréal-Mirabel International Airport (Mirabel Airport) without the requirement to have served under the supervision of a qualified Mirabel Airport controller for a period of time necessary to demonstrate competence during the twelve months preceding the endorsement of Mirabel Airport to them as holders of licences with existing Airport Control Ratings. Secondly, it allows flight service specialists who are working for NAV CANADA at Mirabel Airport to obtain an airport control rating endorsed for Mirabel Airport without the requirement to have served under the supervision of a qualified Mirabel Airport controller for not less than three months during the twelve months preceding the issuance of an initial air traffic controller licence with an Airport Control Rating.

Issued: 2020-01-13

Expiry: 2024-11-30

Region: HQ

Routing: AARA

CARS provision(s): 305.033(8) and 305.33(10)

Applicant provision(s): GLOBAL

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

NCR-031-2019 The purpose of this exemption is to authorize Canadian heliport operators to allow helicopter operations utilizing NVIS technology including NVG operations to operate at night from Day use only certified heliports.

Issued: 2019-12-22

Expiry: 2023-01-15

Region: Quebec

Routing: NA

CARS provision(s): 704.07(2)(d)


Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

QC-009-2019 The purpose of this exemption is to allow Skyservice Business Aviation Inc. (hereinafter “air operator”), Air Operator Certificate # 9638, to operate their aircraft under Subpart 4 of Part VII of the CARs without having a Minimum Equipment List (MEL) approved by the Minister.

Issued: 2019-11-29

Expiry: 2021-02-28

Region: HQ

Routing: AARO

CARS provision(s): 705.108

Applicant provision(s): AIR CANADA

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

OTT-014-2019 This exemption allows Air Canada, its pilots-in-command and seconds-in-command to deviate from crew pairing restrictions while it introduces the BD500 (A220) into service until such time that sufficient Air Canada pilots have completed their consolidation period in order to permit further operations without the need to deviate from crew pairing restrictions.

Issued: 2019-11-21

Expiry: 2022-04-01

Region: Quebec

Routing: NA

CARS provision(s): 700.02(2)(a)

Applicant provision(s): TOP ACES INC.

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

QC-007-2019 This exemption authorizes TOP ACES INC. and its flight crew members to carry on board persons on behalf of not-for-profit fundraising organizations and recover their operating costs associated with the fundraising flights.

Issued: 2019-10-28

Expiry: 2020-05-15

Region: HQ

Routing: AARO

CARS provision(s): 507.02(B)

Applicant provision(s): AIR TRANSAT

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

OTT-017-2019 The purpose of this exemption is to permit the issuance of a certificate of airworthiness pursuant to section 507.02 of the CARs for the specific aircraft listed below which do not conform to their certified type design in that they lack Airbus modification MOD 21215 Ozone Protection for the installation of an Ozone Filter in the Bleed Air Supply, as required by the Canadian Configuration definition in A321-211 certified Type Design A-166 issue 53, which refers to Airbus Document AI/EA-S 413.0400/97, issue 2.

Issued: 2019-10-04

Expiry: 2022-10-01

Region: Ontario

Routing: PA

CARS provision(s): 302.07(1)(a)(i) and (ii)

Applicant provision(s): GTAA

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

ON-009-2019 The purpose of this exemption is to allow the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) while operating the Toronto/Lester B. Pearson International Airport (Toronto/LBPIA) in accordance with its Airport Operation Certificate –AOC # 5151-1-157, to establish and utilize aircraft holding locations during approaches on Runway 33L and Runway 33R at the following locations on: • Runway 24R at a location not less than 90 m from the extended runway centreline of Runway 33R; and • Taxiway Foxtrot 3 at a location not less than 90 m from the extended runway centreline of Runway 33L.

Issued: 2019-10-04

Expiry: 2022-10-01

Region: Ontario

Routing: PA

CARS provision(s): 302.07(1)(a)(i) and (ii)

Applicant provision(s): GTAA

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

ON-010-2019 The purpose of this exemption is to allow the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) while operating the Toronto/Lester B. Pearson International Airport (Toronto/LBPIA) pursuant to Airport Certificate #5151-1-157 to permit aircraft to taxi on Taxiways Tango and Foxtrot during the approaches on Runway 33L and hold short not less than 90 m from the extended runway centreline.

Issued: 2019-09-30

Expiry: 2022-09-30

Region: Pacific

Routing: TA

CARS provision(s): 571.08 and 573.11(1)(c)

Applicant provision(s): VIH HELICOPTERS LTD

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

PAC-009-2019 The purpose of this exemption is to permit VIH Helicopters Ltd., which is both an air operator (AOC) and an approved maintenance organization (AMO), to install overhauled components supplied by foreign maintenance organizations that do not hold a Foreign Aircraft Maintenance Organization (FAMO) certificate, on the Canadian registered Kamov Ka32A-11BC helicopters operated by VIH Helicopters Ltd., pursuant to subpart 702 of the CARs.

Issued: 2019-09-30

Expiry: 2024-10-01

Region: HQ

Routing: AART

CARS provision(s): 704.108(1)(b)(i),704.108(1)C)

Applicant provision(s): GLOBAL

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

NCR-023-2019 The proposed exemption permits Canadian air operators who operate both the British Aerospace Jetstream 3100 and Jetstream 3200 aircraft types to treat them as a single type for the purpose of initial and recurrent training, with initial and recurrent pilot proficiency checks (PPCs) required on only one of the types, and initial and recurrent transition ground training on the other type.

Issued: 2019-09-20

Expiry: 2020-03-01

Region: HQ

Routing: AARO

CARS provision(s): 705.124(1)(b)

Applicant provision(s): AIR CANADA - AIRBUS A220

Aircraft model: n/a

Registration no.: n/a

OTT-015-2019 The purpose of this exemption is to allow Air Canada to conduct its Airbus Canada Limited Partnership BD-500 (Airbus A220) flight attendant aircraft type training without conducting the evacuation drills as required by section 7.4 of Initial training of the TP12296. This exemption allows Air Canada to treat the Airbus A220 single aisle aircraft as equivalent to the other single aisle aircraft in its fleet with respect to the conduct of evacuation drills.

For assistance

Email: ExemptionsAviation@tc.gc.ca