Minister Garneau’s appearance before the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities (TRAN) on Main Estimates 2020-21 and Supplementary Estimates (B), 2020-21 held on November 5, 2020


Flight PS752 Downing & Safer Skies Initiative


Issue/Source: Ukraine international airlines flight ps752 shot down in iran on january 8, 2020

Date: October 26, 2020


  • Our thoughts continue to go out to all affected by the tragic downing of a Ukraine International Airlines aircraft that occurred on January 8, 2020, in Iran.
  • The Government of Canada is wholely committed to seeing that risks are properly mitigated when it comes to flight operations near conflict zones.
  • That is why Transport Canada acted swiftly to engage international partners and lead global efforts to mitigate risks to civil aviation posed by conflict zones. Our international Safer Skies Initiative reflects our strong and dynamic commitment in that regard.
  • Transport Canada is supporting Special Advisor Goodale on his important work.
  • It is important to note that Iran is leading the safety investigation into this tragedy, and we are expecting its report in the coming weeks.


Downing of Flight PS752

  • Ukraine International Airlines flight PS752 to Kyiv (UIA flight 752) was downed less than four minutes after taking off from Imam Khomeini International Airport in Tehran on January 7 at 11:42PM EST by Iran’s air defence.
  • Data on the website shows the plane taking off as normal, and rising to an altitude of 7,925 feet before the aircraft suddenly stopped broadcasting its coordinates.
  • All 176 people aboard the flight are deceased, including 57 Canadians.
  • On January 10, TC issued a NOTAM advising against entering Iranian and Iraqi airspace. No Canadian operators fly directly to the affected area. On February 9, TC issued a NOTAM regarding the Syrian airspace, and on February 18, a NOTAM regarding the Libyan airspace.

Transportation Safety Board (TSB) Perspective

  • The ICAO Chicago Convention stipulates the rules for investigating aircraft accidents, including which States have the right to be involved in the investigation.
  • In accordance with Annex 13, the Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau of the Islamic Republic of Iran led the initial investigation; Canada participated through the independent Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB).
  • Two TSB air accident investigators formed part of the Canadian delegation in Iran following the downing and inspected the accident site and the wreckage as an expert.
  • On July 13, Iran published an interim report blaming human error for the crash of flight PS-752.
  • The Black box recorders from flight PS-752 were sent from Iran to France for examination by team of international investigators on July 20. 
  • The preliminary report of data from the black boxes was released on July 23  and cited illegal interference by Iran in the downing of the flight.

Transport Canada’s Current State of Action

  • On February 14, 2020, at the Munich Security Conference, the Prime Minister announced Canada ‘Safer Skies’ initiative, and committed to work with international partners, including key countries, airlines, and ICAO to improve safety and airspace management around conflict zones.
  • Under the Safer Skies initiative, TC established Canada’s first Conflict Zone Information Office (CZIO), based on international best practices.
  • The Office monitors foreign conflict zones 24/7 and enables efficient and timely sharing of conflict zone information and intelligence domestically and internationally.
  • TC is also engaging with expert international partners and States to quickly identify risks and threats, and adapt accordingly.  This work involves close collaboration with airlines and key stakeholder so that informed decisions can be made with the latest information.
  • Under the international component of this initiative, TC is leading two notable initiatives: the Safer Skies Consultative Committee and the Safer Skies Forum. These initiatives bring international partners together to broaden the global civil aviation system’s awareness of conflict zone risks and risk management best practices, enhance international dialogue and strengthen information‑sharing practices.
  • Since its founding in Summer 2020, the Safer Skies Consultative Committee has established an ambitious list of priorities.
  • Transport Canada will host the inaugural Safer Skies Forum on December 8th and 9th 2020, which examines the progress made to mitigate risks to civil aviation operations in conflict zones since the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 and charts a way forward for the international community.

ICAO Work and Information Sharing

  • Upon invitation from Iran, ICAO nominated a team of advisors to assist the investigation into the downing of Flight PS752.
  • Following the investigation, ICAO has publicly committed to looking into its conflict zone guidance and compliance, using recommendations from the investigation and building on the work done by the ICAO Task Force on Risks to Civil Aviation arising from Conflict Zones, which was stood up following the downing of flight MH 17 in 2014.
  • Transport Canada will continue working with Canadian Air Operators to implement more robust and timely information sharing processes.