Requesting $106,777 for the 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates B
Transport Canada is seeking access to $106,777 in planned spending authorities for the Salish Sea Initiative.
Key Messages:
- Funding has been allocated to multiple departments to support the Government of Canada in implementing the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project, including ac commodation measures to address the concerns of potentially affected Indigenous groups, and responses to Canada Energy Regulator recommendations.
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) as the lead department on the Salish Sea Initiative (SSI) was allocated the funding for the multiple departments supporting SSI. Funding will be transferred to Transport Canada (TC) from Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO).
- The Salish Sea Initiative (SSI) will provide an integrated monitoring, evaluation and reporting structure inclusive of and responsive to Indigenous Communities.
- The SSI responds to cumulative effects, including impacts on the Southern Resident Killer Whale. The SSI will establish a collaborative governance structure and long-term funding to support capacity building, monitoring, research, knowledge acquisition, knowledge integration and sharing to inform adaptive management.
- Develop technical capacity for Indigenous groups to assess and monitor the local marine environment and participate in broader planning and governance processes.
- With Indigenous groups, the Government will establish an Arms-Length Governance and Funding Entity under a shared governance model to access long-term funding.
- The SSI will provide a structure whereby understanding of the short, medium, and long-term cumulative effects of human activities on ecosystem components of the Salish Sea Biozone will be increased. This increased information, knowledge and understanding will inform the necessary management and regulatory decisions concerning those activities. The sustainable management of natural resources will benefit of all Canadians.
If pressed:
- Through discussions, Indigenous groups have expressed interest in playing a formal, leading role in cumulative effects management, including monitoring, research and adaptive management.
- Development and implementation of SSI would provide a tangible and meaningful action that clearly demonstrates the GoC commitment to working collaboratively and in partnership with Indigenous peoples.
- The Governor-in-Council approved the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project on June 18, 2019 subject to 156 Canada Energy Regulator conditions, 8 accommodation measures to address the concerns of Indigenous groups, and 16 responses to non-binding Canada Energy Regulator recommendations intended to mitigate, avoid or lessen potential effects associated with the Project and related marine shipping. The Salish Sea Initiative is 1 of 8 accommodation measures and is being led by DFO with support from other government departments.