From the TC to the RCMP to police the Confederation Bridge in the Northumberland Strait
Transferring $382,163 in the 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates B
The Transportation Infrastructure Program is seeking to transfer $382,163 in planned spending authorities from Department of Transport to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for policing services on the Confederation Bridge.
Key Messages:
- The funding is provided through Transport Canada’s Operating Vote for policing services in respect of the Confederation Bridge for 2020-2021.
- The objectives of the program are to provide policing services to ensure safety and security on the bridge.
- Transport Canada, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), and the Province of Prince Edward Island negotiated a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the provision of policing services on the bridge for three years, beginning in 2019-20. This transfer will cover the 2020-21 policing costs.
- The funds will allow for policing services to be provided on the bridge thus ensuring the safety and security of its users. If pressed:
- The federal government owns the Confederation Bridge and is responsible for providing policing services to ensure safety and security on the bridge. Background
- The federal government owns the Confederation Bridge and is responsible to provide for policing services for the bridge.
- Officials from Transport Canada, the RCMP, and the Government of Prince Edward Island negotiated a Memorandum of Agreement for the provision of policing services on the bridge for three fiscal years, beginning in 2019-20.
- Funding is transferred directly to the RCMP’s Operating Vote on an annual basis through the Supplementary Estimates process.