Marine response tools

The Government of Canada uses response tools that comply with international standards and best practices. A strong oil spill management system requires access to a range of modern and effective oil spill response tools and techniques. It is important to understand the risks to human health and the environment to determine which response tools to use. These decisions are made based on the best available science. The Canadian Coast Guard maintains a large stock of response equipment at sites across the coasts. This helps them quickly respond to spills at any marine location.

Preparing for an oil spill

With careful planning, various levels of government and the marine industry can respond effectively to an oil spill to minimize its impacts on the health and safety of communities, the environment, and its economy.

The Government of Canada is aligned with international conventions for ship design, personnel training, mandatory equipment, and navigation safety.

Preventing an oil spill

Preventing oil spills is the best way to protect the environment from the impacts of oil transportation. The Government of Canada develops laws and regulations, in line with international standards and conventions, to help prevent oil spills. These rules include direction for how ships and pipelines are designed, built, operated, and maintained. The Government of Canada also regularly inspects and monitors shipping activities and marine shipping companies to make sure they follow Canadian laws and regulations.

Issue No. 6 – March 2023

Water is important!

The public consultation on hydrology and actions to reduce potential impacts during the construction of the Lac-Mégantic rail bypass was held from October 24 to November 25, 2022. During the consultation, many citizens expressed their concerns about the project’s potential impact on well water quantity and quality. Transport Canada is committed to never leave citizens affected by the work without an adequate supply of water for their daily consumption.