
Your opinion is important to us. Help us develop transportation related policies, programs and services for Canada.

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List of consultations

Displaying 26 - 50 of 82
Closing date Topic Title Description
Closed Marine Modernizing fees for the Vessel Registry

Transport Canada’s Vessel Registry includes information on more than 46,000 vessels in the Large Vessel Register and over 25,000 vessels in the Small Vessel Register.

As we continue modernizing our services, we want your feedback on changes we’re proposing for our vessel registry services in 2023.

Closed Marine What we heard: Public consultation on modernizing fees for Transport Canada’s vessel registry services

Between August 13, 2021 and January 25, 2022, Transport Canada held a public consultation on proposed changes to the vessel registry services. This report summarizes what we heard during this public consultation.

Closed Marine Public consultation on the Regulatory charge (fee) proposal for the Vessel Remediation Fund

Transport Canada is proposing to introduce a regulatory charge (fee) to finance a proposed Vessel Remediation Fund that would help the government to deal with problem vessels (abandoned, wrecked or hazardous vessels).

We want your feedback on the proposed charge.

Closed Marine What we heard: Public consultation on a regulatory charge for the Vessel Remediation Fund

Between August 11, 2021 and January 25, 2022, Transport Canada held a public consultation on proposed creation of a Vessel Remediation Fund regulatory charge. This report summarizes what we heard during this public consultation.

Closed Marine Modernizing the Domestic Ferries Security Regulations

We want to modernize Canada’s regulations to make sure that the marine transportation security framework (system of laws that keeps marine transportation in Canada safe) continues to be appropriate, effective, and can respond to modern threats and risks to the marine transportation system.

Closed Marine Consultation on Draft Voluntary Guidance for Relevant Authorities on In-Water Cleaning of Vessels

Transport Canada is collaborating with stakeholders and the public to develop Voluntary Guidance for Relevant Authorities on In-Water Cleaning of Vessels.

Closed Marine Submit your feedback on adding administrative monetary penalties to the Canada Marine Act

Transport Canada wants to hear your thoughts about adding administrative monetary penalties to the Canada Marine Act and its regulations.

Closed Marine Comments on adding new contraventions to the Canada Marine Act

Transport Canada wants to be able to deal with more minor offences by issuing tickets. For this, we are seeking to designate as contraventions in the Contraventions Regulations new provisions of the Canada Marine Act and the following regulations made under that Act:

Closed Marine Let’s Talk: Modernizing the Marine Transportation Security Regulations

Transport Canada is proposing changes to the Marine Transportation Security Regulations. We want your feedback about the proposed changes.

Closed Marine Consultation overview: Adding new contraventions to the Canada Marine Act

What We Heard Report for online consultation held from March 18 to April 14, 2021 on the Canada Marine Act Contraventions Regulations.

Closed Marine Introducing fees for the Navigation Protection Program services

Transport Canada is proposing new fees for services from the Navigation Protection Program as part of the Canadian Navigable Waters Act. We want your feedback about these changes.

Closed Marine Consultation on regulations amending the Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations (2019 submission)

Each year, Transport Canada receives applications from local authorities to set or update restrictions on navigation in order to make navigation safer, to protect the environment and/or to protect public safety.

Closed Marine Public consultation on modernizing the Pleasure Craft Licensing Program

Transport Canada is proposing changes to the Pleasure Craft Licensing Program. We want your feedback about the changes we plan to make.

Closed Marine Public consultation on modernizing the Pleasure Craft Operator Competency Program

Transport Canada is proposing changes to the Pleasure Craft Operator Competency (PCOC) Program. We want your feedback about the changes we plan to make.

Closed Marine What we heard: public consultation on modernizing the Pleasure Craft Operator Competency Program

Between November 12, 2020 and January 15, 2021, Transport Canada (TC) held a public consultation on the proposed changes to the Pleasure Craft Operator Competency Program. This report summarizes, in no particular order, what we heard during this public consultation.

Closed Marine What we heard: Public consultation on modernizing pleasure craft licensing

Between November 12, 2020 and January 15, 2021, Transport Canada (TC) held a public consultation on the proposed changes to the pleasure craft licensing requirements. This report summarizes, in no particular order, what we heard during this public consultation.

Closed Marine Let’s Talk Navigation – Minor Works Order (Phase 2)

We’re looking for feedback about our plans to restructure and change the Minor Works Order.

Closed Marine Proposed Maritime Safety Management System Regulations, 2021

Through consultation and a detailed cost-benefit analysis, Transport Canada has developed a realistic and affordable proposal for adding safety management system requirements to more Canadian vessels.

Closed Marine Change in the Coming Into Force Date of the Automatic Identification Systems Carriage Requirements – Navigation Safety Regulations, 2020

Transport Canada would like to change the coming into force date to six months (from one year) after the Regulations are registered, to align with the original spring 2021 date.

Closed Marine Compensation for ship-source oil spills

We recently made changes to the Marine Liability Act to make sure all eligible claims from any spill are compensated. We’d like you to tell us how an oil spill caused by a ship could cause damage or losses to your community.

Closed Marine Let’s Talk Marine Fuel in the Arctic

We are looking for your input on how Canada can reduce environmental risks associated with marine fuel spills in the Arctic, and whether a ban on the use of heavy fuel oil (HFO) is the best way to do this.

Closed Marine Let’s Talk Proactive Vessel Management

As a waterway user or coastal community resident, we wanted your feedback on the traffic issues and conflicts you face so we can develop measures for safe navigation and environmental protection in local waterways.

Closed Marine Share and view ideas: Let’s talk navigation—Adding navigable waters to the new Canadian Navigable Waters Act Schedule

Transport Canada is proposing to add navigable waterways to the Schedule of the new Canadian Navigable Waters Act (CNWA), should it become law. We want to hear from you. Learn more about our proposed changes.

Closed Marine Share and view ideas: Let’s talk navigation — Minor Works (Phase 1)

Transport Canada is developing updates to its Minor Works Order, to be implemented should Bill C-69 become law. We want to hear from you. Learn more about our proposed changes.

Closed Marine Let’s Talk Pleasure Craft Safety

Transport Canada is reviewing the benefits and risks of accepting new options for Personal Floatation Devices (PFDs) and Electronic Visual Distress Signals Devices (eVDSD). We want your input on the safety effects for boaters.