Transport Publication TP 13313 E
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Application
- Construction and Structural Strength
- Stability
- Freeboard and Freeboard Marking
- Watertight &Watertight Integrity
- Water Freeing Arrangements
- Bilge Systems
- Fluid Systems
- Machinery
- Electrical Systems
- Steering Gear
- Fire Safety
- Life Saving and Emergency Equipment
- Communication Equipment
- Navigation Equipment
- Anchors and Cables
- Miscellaneous Marine Equipment
- Accommodation
- Protection of Personnel
- Appendix A: Sample Stability Information Booklet
- Section 1: Operational Information
- Section 2: Technical Data and Loading Conditions
- Section 3: Reference Information
14.1 Radiocommunication
14.1.1 Every ship should comply as appropriate with the Ship Station Radio Regulations ( SSRR ), as amended and, the Ship Station Technical Regulations ( SSTR ), as amended, and with the following provisions of this standard which exceed or complement these regulations.
14.1.2 Every ship should carry at least one VHF radiotelephone capable of transmitting and receiving on 156.8 MHz and marine communication frequencies appropriate to the area of operation. The ship should therefore comply with the VHF Practices and Procedures Regulations.
14.1.3 Any ship intending to operate beyond the coverage area of a VHF coast station should carry at least one MF radiotelephone capable of transmitting and receiving on 2182 KHz , and capable of two-way communication with ship and shore stations within MF range.
14.1.4 Every ship should carry at least one portable VHF two-way radiotelephone for use in the event of having to abandon ship. Portable VHF radiotelephones intended for this purpose should be securely stowed and readily accessible at the position from which the ship is normally navigated. The portable radiotelephone should be waterproof (or sealed in a waterproof container). Each portable radiotelephone should have a dedicated primary battery for use only in an emergency (with breakable seal to indicate that it has not previously been used). The portable radiotelephone should be capable of operating on VHF channel 16 and at least one additional channel.
14.1.5 Ships intending to navigate beyond Home Trade IV or Minor Waters as defined in the Home-Trade, Inland and Minor Water Voyages Regulations for periods in excess of 24 hours should carry at least one 406 type emergency position-indicating radio beacon ( EPIRB ) stowed in such a manner that it will be protected from damage ready for immediate use and for placing into the survival craft, but will float free in the event of the ship sinking. The EPIRB should meet the requirements of the SSTR section 58.01.
14.1.6 Radiotelephone antennae should be equipped with a means of grounding for use in electric storms, or should be protected by lightning arrestors or protective gaps.
14.2 Visual Signals
14.2.1 Ships should carry one daylight signalling lamp, capable of operating independently of the ship's main electrical system. The lantern should normally be stowed in the main navigation position.
14.2.2 Every ship should carry one set of flags of the International Code of a size suitable for signalling.