Transport Canada 2021-2022 Departmental Plan


© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Transport, 2020, Ottawa, Canada<

Catalogue No. T1-27E-PDF

ISSN 2371-8420

This document is available on the Transport Canada website.

This document is available in alternative formats upon request.


Subsequent to the tabling in Parliament and online publication of TC’s 2021-22 Departmental Plan, it was determined that the document of record contained an error. A correction has been made to the PDF version of the document posted online to ensure complete and transparent information. The correction is as follows:

Section: Spending and human resources, Condensed Future-oriented statement of operations:

  • The financial information have been corrected to be reported in dollars instead of thousands.
  • The detailed future-oriented statement of operations hyperlink has been corrected in the PDF document to link to the statement for the year ending March 31, 2022 instead of March 31, 2021.

Table of contents

From the Minister

Minister Omar Alghabra

I am pleased to present Transport Canada’s Departmental Plan for 2021-22. It outlines for parliamentarians and Canadians what Transport Canada does and what it plans to achieve during the 2021-22 fiscal year.

Transport Canada ensures that Canada’s transportation system is safe, secure, environmentally responsible, and efficient in moving people and goods.

We can look ahead to the 2021-22 fiscal year with high hopes and ambitious goals, with COVID-19 vaccines being transported and administered across the country. Canada can and will be at the forefront of the global post-pandemic recovery. Equipped with lessons we learned, and with a renewed vision of what we can achieve, we are confidently moving forward.

Transport Canada’s top priority remains ensuring the safety and security of the travelling public and the transportation system. Economic recovery, resilience, sustainability, and reliability will be at the forefront of our minds as we step boldly into this new fiscal year.

With meaningful, targeted initiatives, we will build a better, more resilient economy, with climate action at the centre of our national plan. The transportation sector is a source for emissions, and we know that we can make improvements.

Transport Canada will continue working to improve trade corridors, and to advance the Oceans Protection Plan. We will continue working toward zero-emission vehicles targets, and taking steps to modernize laws, regulations, and departmental operations. We will continue to see what new and exciting opportunities develop with innovative and emerging technologies, as well as the challenges they may present. Transport Canada also continues to be committed to reconciliation through a renewed relationship with Indigenous Peoples.

Across the department, there are countless examples of how Transport Canada employees are using new and innovative tools and strategies to do their work – efficiently, effectively, and safely. This includes tools that have allowed many people to work remotely through the COVID‑19 pandemic. These tools and strategies continue to be adapted and improved, as we determine what our workplace of the future is.

I am proud and honoured to be Canada’s Minister of Transport, and to have the opportunity to work alongside the many people who make Transport Canada a valued and vital part of our national transportation system.

I look forward to what this fiscal year may bring.

The Honourable Omar Alghabra, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Transport

Plans at a glance

Priority 1: Improve the performance and reliability of Canada’s transportation system to get products to market and grow our economy.

Key planning highlights for 2021-22:

  • Invest in Canada’s trade corridors to increase global market access for Canadian goods, including:
    • continued infrastructure projects supported by the National Trade Corridors Fund
    • improvements to the Trade and Transportation Information System, including developing the Transportation Data and Information Hub
    • further investments in supply chain visibility projects
    • ongoing work with the Canada Infrastructure Bank
  • Deliver on the regulatory and policy commitments made in the 2019 Transportation Sector Regulatory Roadmap to ease regulatory barriers to innovation and investment in the sector.
  • Complete the Ports Modernization Review with the goal of updating governance mechanisms to promote investment in Canadian ports and help make Canada’s major ports among the most efficient in the world.
  • Progress in modernizing the governance of the St. Lawrence Seaway, focusing on a signed agreement by 2023.
  • Undertake legislative changes to improve access, transparency, efficiency and long-term investment in the Canadian freight rail system.
  • Support efforts to reduce the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the marine sector and improve resilience.

Priority 2: Provide greater choice, better service, lower costs and improved rights for consumers.

Key planning highlights for 2021-22:

  • Work with partners to address barriers in the transportation system for persons with disabilities and seniors to make it more accessible, and continue to focus on implementation of the Accessible Canada Act.
  • Continue to work with VIA Rail and the Canada Infrastructure Bank to finalize the assessment of the proposal to create High Frequency Rail in the Toronto-Ottawa-Montreal-Quebec City Corridor and to look at options for the future of intercity passenger rail services outside the corridor.
  • Monitor and enforce the Terms and Conditions of the Order in Council that approved the July 2019 merger between Bradley Air Services (First Air) and Canadian North, helping  to ensure:
    • air travel in the North is fair and affordable
    • capacity is maintained and improved, as needed
    • northern travellers receive a high level of service
  • Progress towards finalizing and implementing the Air Passenger Protection Regulations and enforcing Phase I of the Air Travel Performance Data Regulations to measure the effectiveness of the Air Passenger Protection Regulations at improving the experience of air travellers.
  • Recognizing the unique impact of COVID-19 on the Canadian air travel network, work with partners at Finance Canada; Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada; and Regional Development Agencies to deliver air sector support commitments made in the 2020 Fall Economic Statement.

Priority 3: Build world-leading marine corridors that are competitive, safe and environmentally sustainable, and improve Northern transportation infrastructure, while respecting commitments to Indigenous communities.

Key planning highlights for 2021-22:

  • Continue to engage with the provinces, territories, and representatives from the fishing sector to reduce the risk to the lives and property of fishers.
  • Work with partners to carry out the Oceans Protection Plan in order to:
    • improve our marine safety system and prevent marine incidents
    • improve our ability to respond to marine incidents
    • preserve and restore our marine ecosystems
    • ensure that Indigenous groups have a formal role and the capacity to participate in Canada’s marine safety system while continuing to build meaningful partnerships
    • improve our understanding on the behaviour of various types of oil and petroleum products when spilled in a marine environment
  • Continue to refine and put in place measures to protect whales from the negative effects of vessel traffic on Canada’s coasts by:
    • setting both voluntary and mandatory vessel speed restrictions and exclusion zones
    • monitoring shipping zones and alerting mariners to the presence of whales
    • assessing measures by consulting with industry, stakeholders and Indigenous groups
    • supporting research on underwater vessel noise
  • Continue aerial pollution surveillance over all Canadian waters via the National Aerial Surveillance Program.
  • Continue to support efforts to reduce the impact of marine shipping on the environment and ecosystems.
  • Support trade and transportation infrastructure in northern communities and the Arctic by:
    • collaborating with partners in the delivery of the Arctic and Northern Policy Framework to improve socio-economic opportunities for northerners and Indigenous communities
    • making sure that an Arctic and northern lens is used to guide the way Transport Canada develops policies, programs and regulations
    • continuing long-term engagement and meaningful communication with northerners through the Arctic Transportation Policy Framework
    • building a hangar in Iqaluit for the National Aerial Surveillance Program
    • completing the National Trade Corridor Fund’s Arctic and Northern call for proposals and carrying out funding decisions for chosen projects

Priority 4: Build a safer and more secure transportation system that Canadians trust.

Key planning highlights for 2021-22:

  • Make our safety and security oversight of the transportation system more transparent by publicly reporting on our compliance and enforcement activities.
  • Review ways to address people working while impaired (for example, impaired by fatigue) in the transportation sector.
  • In response to the Transportation Safety Board Watchlist 2020 and its associated recommendations, continue to address the leading human factor issues that contribute to railway accidents and incidents, including fatigue management, track safety and railway employee qualifications and training through:
    • planned consultations for the Fatigue Risk Management System Regulations and the Railway Employee Training and Qualifications Regulations
    • a gap analysis of the Track Safety Rules to identify the safety requirements for federally-regulated railways track class speed beyond class five limits due to new standards and technology
  • Continue to take action on the recommendations from the 2017-18 statutory review of the Railway Safety Act and carry out the recommendations from the Railway Safety Act Review Panel Report.
  • Develop a framework to evaluate the equivalence and consistency of safety measures when assessing new technologies and processes from which the rail industry is seeking exemptions to modernize their operating environment.
  • Continue to work with the rail industry and research organizations to assess the equivalence of safety for new technologies and processes as a way of supporting automated inspection practices.
  • Consult stakeholders and harness their feedback to develop guidance material for the Locomotive Voice and Video Recorders Regulations.
  • Make more marine and surface inspectors available in the North.
  • Integrate and modernize crucial Transportation of Dangerous Goods databases into the new central database "CORE" system to:
    • support risk-based decision making for safety-related issues
    • develop a registry of regulated entities (companies) that handle, offer for transport, transport or import dangerous goods
    • monitor which businesses comply with regulations across the country
  • Work with provincial and territorial partners, and the School Bus Safety Task Force to further improve school bus safety, both inside and outside the bus, with a focus on seatbelts.
  • Invest in road safety projects that support Canada’s national safety priorities, including:
    • creating national safety standards for trucks and buses crossing provincial, territorial, and international boundaries
    • nationally consistent training for commercial vehicle drivers and inspectors
    • increasing road safety awareness, training, and enforcement capacity
    • supporting testing and development of technologies that are innovative and enhance road safety
    • collecting consistent, complete, timely road safety data
  • Work with stakeholders on developing safety guidance and assessment tools to support research, testing and deployment of connected and automated vehicles.
  • Continue to implement a fair, consistent and predictable enforcement regime across all modes and all regions.
  • Implement the Aviation Biosecurity Strategy to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and support the resumption of safe air travel.
    • Work with the aviation industry to rebuild public confidence and modernize the air travel journey to help ensure the resilience of the aviation system against future risks.
  • Focus on aviation safety by:
    • updating regulations to reduce administrative burden and compliance costs;
    • improving aviation safety surveillance
    • strengthening the ability of aviation safety certification to meet industry service demands
  • Advance the Safer Skies Initiative to improve civil aviation safety over conflict zones, including the establishment of a 24/7 Conflict Zone Information Office, an international consultative committee, and an annual global Forum to discuss approaches to mitigate similar tragic events such as PS752.
  • Continue working with partners to carry out the Known Traveller Digital Identity Pilot Project.
  • Develop a framework to ensure medical fitness to operate some classes of drones, including for beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) operations.
  • Continue updating civil aviation medicine policies to support safe aeromedical certification of pilots, flight engineers, and air traffic controllers.
  • During COVID-19, the Department will continue to issue exemptions and provide relief to the aviation industry where assessed to be in the public interest and unlikely to adversely affect aviation safety or security.
    • TC's COVID-19 website will continue to provide a complete list of exemptions and other safety and security response documents that have been communicated to the aviation industry.

Priority 5: Reduce environmental impacts and embrace new technologies to improve Canadians’ lives.

Key planning highlights for 2021-22:

  • Continue to develop and carry out measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from domestic and international transportation, and support government priorities under the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change and Canada’s strengthened climate plan, A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy.
  • To support our zero-emission vehicle targets of 10% of new light-duty vehicle sales by 2025; 30% by 2030; and, 100% by 2040, and make zero-emission vehicles more affordable, continue delivering the Incentive for Zero-Emission Vehicles (iZEV) program, which provides incentives of up to $5,000 on eligible zero-emission vehicles.
  • Support domestic and international projects and policy development that contribute to the Government’s national strategy of zero plastic waste.
  • Support the development and use of methods and technologies that reduce underwater noise from vessel traffic and its impact on whales.
  • Address the threat of invasive species by responding to the International Maritime Organization’s International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004.
  • Work with other government departments on the International Maritime Organization’s proposed ban on heavy fuel oil use by ships in the Arctic.
  • Continue to support the Trans Mountain Expansion Project including delivering accommodation measures and responding to the Canada Energy Regulator's recommendations.
  • Evaluate emerging, disruptive technologies in order to develop new safety standards, codes and regulations.
  • Continue to focus on drones by developing more regulations, pilot projects, and strategies to support more complex drone use.
  • As a pilot project, purchase a specialized drone to increase the reach of the National Aerial Surveillance Program in the Arctic.

Priority 6: Transform the design and delivery of programs and services to Canadians in order to adapt to a changing world.

Key planning highlights for 2021-22:

  • Improve the service experience for Transport Canada’s services and increase the number of digital-first and online services available, including:
    • Continue digitizing the processes for aviation medical certification to improve program delivery and customer experience.
  • Use innovative, user-centric approaches to modernize programs delivery, by implementing a digital first service strategy by using data analytics and emerging technologies like robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), and virtual reality, to transition to a more digital government while balancing ethical and privacy considerations.
  • Continue modernizing fees while considering the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on stakeholders, and:
    • focus on making regulatory changes
    • carry out requirements of the Service Fees Act, and
    • ensure the digital rollout of new fees with improved service processes and tools
  • Modernize how we oversee and deliver regulations by developing common, data driven, risk-informed digital inspection processes, and by providing inspectors with even better data and tools.
  • Create strategies to speed-up the use of new technologies in the transportation sector.
  • Create a data strategy that supports:
    • transparency and the public’s trust in Transport Canada’s work
    • open and accessible transportation data
    • better quality data analytics and evidence-based decision making
    • service delivery and reporting on results
  • Improve the department’s data maturity by working on descriptive statistics, more robust data analytics, and database management as a way of integrating diverse sources of intelligence.

For more information on Transport Canada’s plans, priorities and planned results, see the “Core responsibilities: Planned results and resources” section of this report.

Core responsibilities: Planned results and resources

This section contains detailed information on the department’s planned results and resources for each of its core responsibilities.

Core responsibility 1: Safe and secure transportation system


Ensures a safe and secure transportation system in Canada through laws, regulations, policies, and oversight.

Planning highlights

  • Improve the governance and modernize emergency management across Transport Canada, making sure it aligns with the whole-of-Government emergency framework.
  • Continue to provide 24/7 support to emergency responders through CANUTEC, which provides timely information on safety incidents with key internal, external partners and emergency response personnel in handling dangerous goods emergencies, and through the TC Situation Centre (SITCEN), which serves as the department’s point of contact for other types of emergencies related to transportation safety and security.
  • Improve emergency monitoring, coordination and response capacity through emergency management training. Develop digital tools, like the "CORE" system, to support decision-making, manage emergency surge personnel and provide geospatial situational awareness.
  • Provide timely intelligence on threats to the transportation system.
  • Continue efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19 through air travel by issuing and updating regulatory requirements as the pandemic continues to evolve.
  • The Known Traveler Digital Identity initiative aims to allow passengers to share their information with entities across the air travel continuum in order to facilitate the traveler experience all the while maintaining high security standards. The pilot project is to be implemented on select Air Canada and KLM (Royal Dutch Airlines) flights between Amsterdam Schiphol International Airport and Toronto Pearson International Airport and Montreal Trudeau International Airport.
  • The Safer Skies Initiative aims to improve the assessment and mitigation of the risks that foreign conflict zones pose to civil aviation in order to make the skies safer for all, from a national and an international perspective. This would be accomplished domestically via Transport Canada’s new Conflict Zone Information Office by building a more robust domestic system of information monitoring, analysis and sharing to ensure that passengers traveling with Canadian air operators are not flying over areas that might pose a risk to their flight. We will work with other government departments (e.g., Global Affairs Canada, Public Safety, Privy Council and the Transportation Safety Board) to develop opportunities to enhance the International Civil Aviation Organization’s existing safety investigation regime. We also want to address this issue by sharing information and best practices with other countries in order to mitigate these risks worldwide via the Safer Skies Consultative Committee and the Safer Skies Forum, which are both being led by Canada. 
  • Use artificial intelligence to assess information provided by industry stakeholders to isolate potentially high risk cargo before it is loaded onto the plane through the Pre-Load Air Cargo Targeting and Artificial Intelligence (PACT+AI) initiative.
  • Focus on drone activities, including regulations for safe operations, pilot projects and guidance to operators for increasingly complex operations.
  • Address the security risks posed by malicious drone use by:
    • working with industry and other government departments to develop roles and responsibilities for drone detection and tracking, and to define the standards for future changes to regulations
    • run pilot projects and initiatives to test and evaluate counter measures in and around airports
    • speak with international partners to learn best practices for developing a strategic plan to address risks and vulnerabilities to the aviation system
  • Progress on our aviation safety regulatory framework by:
    • reviewing and modernizing the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) to make sure that the regulatory framework for aviation safety can meet the demands of industry today and in the future
    • working with stakeholders to provide direction on regulatory matters, including modernizing the CARs through innovative and collaborative activities that will incentivize, facilitate, and evaluate the development and use of new technologies and innovative practices
    • improving how Transport Canada engages, consults and works with Canadian aviation stakeholders by modernizing the Canadian Aviation Regulation Advisory Council (CARAC), continuing to use the Let’s Talk Transportation website and other communication tools and approaches to engage and consult stakeholders online and in-person
    • providing consistent regulatory expertise throughout the regulatory exemption process. This includes tracking, reviewing, analyzing and issuing exemptions to the CARs using a transparent and collaborative approach to effectively respond to regulatory challenges and stakeholder needs
    • engaging more with the international aviation community and strengthening Canada’s influence and aviation regulatory expertise on the international stage
    • strengthening Canada’s participation in International Civil Aviation Organization meetings, panels, and working groups, including technical conferences related to civil aviation and emerging technologies
  • Strengthen our aviation safety certification team’s ability to meet industry service demands through the Aircraft Certification Improved Activity initiative. This initiative will help keep Canada's aerospace sector competitive, while also making sure the highest levels of safety are maintained.
  • Improve aviation safety surveillance, including:
    • taking a more strategic approach to quality assurance with regular reviews of sample, completed surveillance activities
    • introducing more inspector education and training with a committed recurrent surveillance training program
    • providing better, consistent tools to help inspectors do their work efficiently and effectively, to strengthen the department’s enforcement approach
    • updating our safety and risk-based surveillance methods to allow for targeted inspections, proportionate resource use and a focus on areas of greater safety concern or need
    • strengthening the learning and training requirements for Marine Security Inspectors to better reflect the needs and challenges of the modern marine transportation system.
    • addressing Transportation Safety Board recommendations in consideration of existing legislative and regulatory frameworks, policies and guidelines
  • Modernize our regulatory and oversight frameworks for marine safety and security by:
  • Increase security for vessels and Canadian marine facilities and ports, and ensure that Canada meets its international marine security obligations through harmonized regulatory requirements:
    • maintaining a leadership role in national and international working groups to ensure consistent approach to marine security across Canada and with our allies
    • strengthening the reliability of the Ship Security Alert System (SSAS) to ensure that Transport Canada continues to meet its international obligations through transformation initiatives
  • Modernize the marine security document issuance process by aligning it with the International Maritime Organization’s guidelines for electronic certification
  • Work with industry to implement the locomotive and video recorders regulations
  • Continue work to address the issue of fatigue in the railway industry
  • Administer grants and contributions funding under the Rail Safety Improvement Program to support safety improvements projects on rail property and along rail lines, the use of innovative technologies, outreach, promotional education and awareness activities, research and studies to improve safety, and closures of grade crossings
  • Develop and put in place a national oversight program for the new Passenger Rail Transportation Security Regulations
  • Improve and maintain Canada’s ability to respond to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive events related to transporting dangerous goods by:
    • finalizing the approval of interim emergency response assistance (ERAP) plans by completing the necessary investigations and developing national guidance and criteria for assessing Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNE) events
    • attending domestic and international CBRNE training and conferences, including the International CBRNE World Convergence conference
    • providing training, tools and resources to support the inspectorate
  • Develop an action plan to better identify a company’s level of compliance in transporting dangerous goods by using provincial and territorial compliance data for road shipments. This will also be supported by a national registry of regulated companies
  • Develop and carry out a policy and regulatory plan that anticipates and responds to evolving issues faced when transporting dangerous goods in order to:
    • allow early regulatory consultations and meaningful engagement with stakeholders
    • support harmonization with international codes
    • let the program adapt alongside industry, enhance capacity, and strengthen regulatory frameworks
  • Develop and maintain safety standards for means of containment like tank cars, highway tanks, intermediate bulk containers, and cylinders, which are incorporated by reference in the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations.
  • Collaborating with domestic/international partners, including the United Nations and the United States in areas of research, such as:
    • hazard, flammability and behavioral properties of distillates and crude oil
    • lithium battery packaging in air cargo
    • containment methods under non-ideal conditions
  • Continuing to implement new scientific research projects and those established through external consultation resulting from the 2019 Transportation of Dangerous Goods Research Symposium, that will lead to the development of emergency response tools, dangerous goods means of containment, lithium batteries and other energy storage systems, risk assessment and analysis, as well as other emerging issues. Projects being initiated include:
    • validation of recommended emergency actions for liquefied natural gas in the Emergency Response Guidebook
    • comprehensive review of the criteria and thresholds for emergency response assistance plans in the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations
    • evaluation of any increased risks resulting from greater amounts of hydrogen being transported to hydrogen-vehicle fuelling stations
    • hazard assessment of energy storage systems being transported in enclosed vessels for marine transport
    • development of a geographic-information-system based risk assessment methodology for the transport of dangerous goods by road
    • development of a smart package for lithium battery transportation that indicates a warning about an issue inside the package
  • Modernizing the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) oversight regime by:
    • improving and updating our tools and databases to provide more complete and accurate information on regulated companies and their compliance status to better inform risk-based planning
    • implementing a Client Identification Database (CID) in 2022. This will provide us with a reliable and comprehensive inventory of TDG sites and dangerous goods activities
    • strengthening our data collection processes with partners to better identify the national rate of regulatory compliance
  • A regulatory amendment has been proposed to harmonize the TDG Regulations with the United Nations recommendations by aligning safety marks, classification information, shipping names, and special provisions. This amendment would increase the consistency, quality, efficiency and effectiveness of our transportation of dangerous goods enforcement activities by:
    • improving and updating our tools and database to have more complete and accurate information on regulated companies and their compliance status and to guide effective risk-based planning
    • reviewing and updating the risk ranking methodology used to prioritize TDG inspection sites
    • ensuring that means of containment facilities with expired certificates are not conducting activities for which the certificates were issued
    • maintaining and strengthening the TDG Safety Awareness outreach program and supporting awareness material for industry, communities/municipalities, first responders and the general public
  • Following legislative amendments to the Motor Vehicle Safety Act, we will develop changes to the regulations, along with policies, IT solutions, tools and guidance material, to address issues related to information gathering, administrative monetary penalties, and exemptions.
  • Support the coming into force of the electronic logging device mandate for commercial vehicles effective on June 12, 2021, and continuing to work with the provinces and territories, the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators and Industry Stakeholders on next steps including:
    • cyber security guidance for electronic logging devices
    • communicating the new requirements
    • enforcement approaches  
  • Develop safety and security policies for emerging vehicle technologies including research, stakeholder engagement and consumer awareness promotion, as well as close collaboration with other levels of government, the global community, and key bilateral partners (like the US) to support alignment and cross-border interoperability of our safety regimes for new vehicle technologies. This work will inform:
    • key safety and security guidelines as these technologies evolve, like Canada’s Safety Framework for Connected and Automated Vehicles (PDF, 7.1MB), national guidelines for automated driving systems and administrative guidelines for jurisdictions on the safety testing and deployment of automated driving systems
    • proposed regulations for advanced driver assistance systems
  • Develop policies, guidance and tools to improve vehicle cyber security. This includes maintaining Canada's Vehicle Cyber Security Guidance (PDF, 5.3 KB) and developing tools to support industry in measuring the cyber resiliency and performance of vehicles and vehicle parts.
  • Support evidence-based policy and regulatory initiatives to address fatigue across modes. This will include:
    • promoting healthy workplace culture through regulations and other means
    • exploring the continued use of fatigue risk management systems
    • working with partners to develop innovative educational tools to reduce fatigue in the workplace
  • Develop multimodal operational enforcement policies and procedures to ensure that investigations referred to the Regional Enforcement Units by the modal inspectorates for medium-level (i.e., Administrative Monetary Penalties) to high-level (i.e., prosecution) enforcement actions, are conducted in a consistent manner
  • Provide financial support to provinces, territories, and the Canadian Council of Motor Transportation Administrators to create National Safety Code standards and provide national uniform training to truck drivers and inspectors
  • Invest in projects that promote road safety awareness, address road safety challenges, and support the safe and effective use of innovative technologies and harmonization

Gender-based analysis plus (GBA+)

Our programs within Core Responsibility 1 have identified a number of GBA+ initiatives and issues they are either currently working on, have recently completed, or plan to undertake in the coming fiscal year and beyond, most notably:

  • Taking on a leadership role at international forums like the International Maritime Organization to encourage the marine industry to increase the representation of women
  • Carry out initiatives, like the Marine Training Program under Oceans Protection Plan, to reduce barriers to marine training for underrepresented groups, like women and Indigenous peoples
  • Incorporating GBA+ analysis in the planning and execution of digital modernization projects and fee modernization initiatives to promote equality, diversity and inclusiveness
  • Developing and reviewing existing aviation medical certification policies to include GBA+ considerations (like medical certification of women and transgendered people).
  • GBA+ considerations are included in many aviation safety initiatives. Some examples include:
    • addressing gender disparity through the use of gender-neutral language in drone terminology. Canada uses the term “RPAS” instead of “unmanned aircraft system (UAS)” or “unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)”. By using gender-neutral terms, Canada signals gender inclusivity to drone operators and the larger industry
    • promoting broad use of gender-neutral terms through various international events/forums and seeking opportunities to raise awareness on the importance of inclusive language
    • creating an inclusive safety education campaign. For example, regulations are designed with gender, age and ethnic diversity in mind by using neutral or inclusive imagery, text, and visuals
    • researching gender and drones will lead to better targeting of education and safety promotion, and help influence the development of policies in the future. This includes a two-year study in partnership with Western University that focuses on evaluating the impact severity of small drone collisions on humans and the impacts on women and at-risk groups (like children, seniors). A public opinion research study is planned to better understand the level of knowledge drone users and the public have of the rules by incorporating questions focused on the gender distribution of drone pilots in order to better understand gender representation in the industry
    • assessing the social and economic impacts of aviation safety policy recommendations on diverse groups of Canadians, in accordance with Canada’s commitment to carrying out GBA+ for all aviation safety regulatory development. As a result, work is underway to identify existing barriers and sustainable ways to attract more female and Indigenous candidates into aviation careers

United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

It is expected that Target 3.6, which relates to the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents, will be renewed at the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety.

We will support the creation of the new target, and help develop actions to achieve continuous progress in reducing road traffic death and injuries in Canada.


  • The Known Traveler Digital Identity initiative will allow passengers to share their information with entities across the world, in order to improve travelling experience while also maintaining high security standards. It uses emerging technologies like blockchain, cryptography, and biometrics. With this pilot project, we are:
    • assessing the impact of blockchain technologies on the aviation sector
    • testing the impact of biometrics technologies on aviation stakeholders’ compliance with regulations related to passenger identity verification
    • examining how digital identities and biometric technologies can limit the amount of time passengers wait in airport security checkpoints in Canada
    • testing how digital identities and biometric technologies can contribute to touchless processes in the airport environment
  • The next phase of the Pre-Load Air Cargo Targeting and Artificial Intelligence (PACT+AI) initiative will involve developing and testing a portal where air carriers will submit data, and a risk assessment interface to allow analysts to review the results of the AI (in other words, flagging of new shippers, outlier and anomaly detection, and high risk cargo identification). The use of AI is new for pre-load air cargo targeting and will need to be tested against current methods for risk assessment of advanced air cargo information.
  • Use novel approaches to test innovative technologies and processes that will inform regulations or non-regulatory measures to make sure Canada’s transportation system is safe and secure like:
    • commercially testing of drones beyond-the-visual-line-of-sight (BVLOS) through pilot projects
    • test pilot for increased delegation of authority to manufacturers for issuing flight permits
    • regulatory sandbox for dangerous goods electronic shipping documents
  • We support evidence-based decision making by using insights from behavioural science and analytics to develop policy and guidance for safety and security activities.
  • Behavioural insights derived from experiments and research will be used in department-wide projects like:
    • fatigue management
    • instruments of choice to address safety and security issues
    • use of lifejackets by recreational boaters
    • vehicle incidents at rail crossings

Planned results for A Safe and Secure Transportation System

Result 1: A safe transportation system
Departmental result Departmental result indicator Target Date to achieve target 2017–18 actual result 2018–19 actual result 2019-20 actual results
1a) A safe transportation system Ten-year aircraft accident rateFootnote 1 (average per year, per 100,000 aircraft movements) No more than 3.2 per 100,000 movements 2022-03-31 N/A - New Indicator 3.2 per 100,000 movements 3.2 per 100,000 movements
1b) A safe transportation system Ten-year aircraft fatality rate (average per year, per 100,000 aircraft movements) No more than 0.65 per 100,000 movements 2022-03-31 N/A - New Indicator 0.7 per 100,000 movements 0.6 per 100,000 movements
1c) A safe transportation system Ten-year marine accident rate (average per year, per 1,000 commercial vessels)Footnote 2 Less than 10 per 1,000 commercial vessel 2022-03-31 N/A - New Indicator 8.8 per 1,000 commercial vessels 3.1 per 1,000 commercial vessels
1d) A safe transportation system Ten-year marine fatality rate (average per year, per 1,000 commercial vessels) Less than 0.5 per 1,000 commercial vessels 2022-03-31 N/A - New Indicator 0.45 per 1,000 commercial vessels 0.2 per 1,000 commercial vessels
1e) A safe transportation system Ten-year rail accident rate (average per year, per million-train miles) No more than 12.24 (which is an estimated 5% reduction in the rate as compared to the average of previous five years)Footnote 3 2022-12-31 3.7% reduction 5.2% reduction 17% reduction
1f) A safe transportation system Ten-year rail fatality rate (average per year, per million-train miles) No more than 0.72 (which is an estimated 5% reduction in the rate as compared to the average of previous five years) 2022-12-31 12.5% reduction 26% reduction 7% reduction
1g) A safe transportation system Rate of reportable road traffic collisions in Canada (rate per billion vehicle kilometres travelled) No more than 1,563.45 (which is an estimated 1% reduction in the rate for current year as compared to the average of the previous five years) 2022-03-31 6.8% reduction in 2016 as compared to the five year average (2011-15) 5.2% reduction in 2017 as compared to the five year average (2012-16) 7.2% reduction in 2018 as compared to the five year average (2013-17)
1h) A safe transportation system Rate of serious injuries in reportable road traffic collisions in Canada (rate per billion vehicle kilometres travelled) No more than 27.84 (which is an estimated 1% reduction in the rate for current year as compared to the average of the previous five years)Footnote 4 2022-03-31 6.8% reduction in 2016 as compared to the five year average (2011-15) 13.4% reduction in 2017 as compared to the five year average (2012-16) 15.6% reduction in 2018 as compared to the five year average (2013-17)
1i) A safe transportation system Rate of fatalities in reportable road traffic collisions in Canada (rate per billion vehicle kilometres travelled) No more than 5.08 (which is an estimated 1% reduction in the rate for current year as compared to the average of the previous five years) 2022-03-31 9.5% reduction in 2016 as compared to the five year average (2011-15) 10.9% reduction in 2017 as compared to the five year average (2012-16) 4.7% reduction in 2018 as compared to the five year average (2013-17)
Result 2: A secure transportation system
Departmental result Departmental result indicator Target Date to achieve target 2017–18 actual result 2018–19 actual result 2019-20 actual results
2a) A secure transportation system Time to Revoke Transportation Security Clearances It is anticipated that this outcome will be reportable in one year at which time the baseline and target will be set for future trend analysis 2022-03-31 N/A – New indicator N/A – New indicator N/A – New indicator
2b) A secure transportation system Total number of Transportation Security Clearance (TSC) Applications processed versus TSC Applications received 40,000 - 50,000 2022-03-31 N/A – New indicator N/A – New indicator N/A – New indicator
2c) A secure transportation system Rate of compliance of air sector operators with Transport Canada’s security regulationsFootnote 5 At least 90% 2022-03-31 90.08% 91.8% 93.03%
Result 3: A modern safety and security regime that support economic growth
Departmental result Departmental result indicator Target Date to achieve target 2017–18 actual result 2018–19 actual result 2019-20 actual results
3a) A modern safety and security regime that supports economic growth Percentage of Transport Canada safety regulations aligned with international transportation standards (air) 100% 2022-03-31 N/A – New Indicator N/A – New Indicator 95.1%
3b) A modern safety and security regime that supports economic growth Percentage of Transport Canada security regulations aligned with international transportation standards (air) At least 90% 2022-03-31 100% 100% 100%
3c) A modern safety and security regime that supports economic growth Percentage of client requests for safety or security authorizations that meet Transport Canada's service standards (air)Footnote 6 At least 83% 2022-03-31 71% 84% 89%
3d) A modern safety and security regime that supports economic growth Percentage of client requests for safety or security authorizations that meet Transport Canada's service standards (marine) At least 80% 2022-03-31 N/A - New indicator N/A - New indicator 99.88%

Financial, human resources and performance information for Transport Canada’s Program Inventory is available in the GC InfoBase.

Planned budgetary financial resources for Safe and Secure Transportation System (dollars)
2021–22 budgetary spending (as indicated in Main Estimates) 2021–22 2022–23 2023–24
444,748,926 444,748,926 399,141,879 353,454,379

Financial, human resources and performance information for Transport Canada’s Program Inventory is available in the GC InfoBase.

Planned human resources for Safe and Secure Transportation System
2021–22 2022–23 2023–24
3,451 3,291 3,047

Financial, human resources and performance information for Transport Canada’s Program Inventory is available in the GC InfoBase.

Core responsibility 2: Green and innovative transportation system


Advances the Government of Canada's environmental agenda in the transportation sector by reducing harmful air emissions; protects Canada's ocean and marine environments by reducing the impact of marine shipping; and affirms a commitment to innovation in the transportation sector.

Planning highlights

  • Support the Government’s reconciliation agenda by
    • forging new standards in partnership with Indigenous groups in many areas including the development and implementation of marine safety related initiatives, agreements for sharing the benefits of economic generating activities carried out on Indigenous traditional territory, and the co-development of Indigenous knowledge and co-management frameworks in the implementation of the Canadian Navigable Waters Act
    • continuing to strengthen and build relationships and advance the Government’s commitments to Indigenous peoples, including the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, through the cooperative development and implementation of policy and programs
    • developing and maintaining strong relationships with Indigenous peoples is the foundation of reconciliation; effective consultation and engagement is the day-to-day work required to revitalize the relationship between Indigenous peoples and the Government of Canada
  • Build world-leading marine corridors that are competitive, safe and environmentally sustainable, and improve transportation infrastructure in the North.
  • Reduce greenhouse gases and air pollutants from transportation and embrace new clean technologies that improve Canadians’ lives, including:
    • developing and carrying out policies and programs under the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change and Canada’s strengthened climate plan to reduce emissions from domestic transportation. This includes working with our partners to create measures that make it easier for consumers and businesses to choose zero-emission vehicles
    • working through international fora, such as the International Maritime Organization, to develop approaches to reduce environmental impacts from international transportation
  • Work with partners to support the conversion of ships to more environmentally friendly fuels, speed-up the use of zero-emission technologies at transportation hubs, and focus on developing and using sustainable fuels and energy sources.
  • Modernize the legislative framework for pilotage to support safe and efficient pilotage services into the future.
  • Carry out work related to the updated Pilotage Act
  • Preserve and restore marine ecosystems by taking measures to address abandoned, hazardous and wrecked vessels. This involves continued implementation and enforcement of the Wrecked, Abandoned or Hazardous Vessels Act, which aims to strengthen owner responsibility and liability with respect to end-of-vessel management. This also involves efforts to improve the quality of vessel owner information, and creation of a vessel-owner financed program to help support the remediation and prevention of priority abandoned, hazardous or wrecked vessels.
    • Combined with ongoing delivery of short-term vessel removal programs, the Government aims to remediate 275 abandoned and wrecked vessels by March 2022. These efforts will help to preserve and restore Canadian marine ecosystems.
  • Manage changes related to the Canadian Navigable Waters Act, including the process for adding navigable waters to the schedule of the Act, pursuing new partnerships with Indigenous groups, and focusing on regulatory proposals to:
  • Through the Marine Training Program, fund organizations to provide marine industry training to underrepresented groups like Inuit, other Indigenous peoples and women.
  • Support domestic and international work to prevent and reduce marine plastic litter from ship-based activities including participating the International Maritime Organization’s work to address plastic pollution from marine based activities.
  • Develop new knowledge and tools, including climate risk assessment processes and adaptive technologies and practices, to position the transportation sector to better adapt to climate change and build resiliency into its infrastructure and operations, including the North.
  • Help reduce pollution from vessels and support oil spill response by:
  • Reduce the economic and environmental risks to Canada from the introduction and spread of aquatic invasive species by:
    • finalizing regulations concerning ballast water discharge from ships and continuing engagement with the United States in this regard
    • engaging with the domestic and international marine community on control and management of ship biofouling
  • Develop non-regulatory and policy guidance for funding research, pilots, studies, codes and standards development, and capacity building efforts to promote the safe testing and deployment of connected and automated vehicle.
  • Carry out the final year of the program to improve connectivity and automation in the transportation system. The program is helping Canadian jurisdictions prepare for connected and automated vehicles by leading or funding research, studies, codes and standards development, and capacity building work.

Gender-based analysis plus (GBA+)

Our programs within Core Responsibility 2 have identified a number of GBA+ initiatives and issues they are either currently working on, have recently completed, or plan to undertake within the coming fiscal year and beyond, most notably:

  • Under the Oceans Protection Plan, we will continue to address the underrepresentation of women, Inuit and other Indigenous peoples in the marine sector via new training and learning opportunities.
  • Strengthening the regulatory framework of programs, including the safe integration of drones into Canadian airspace, by assessing the impact that proposed regulations could have on Canadians from identifiable groups including by gender, age, geographic location, and Indigenous peoples.

United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

  • A Transport Canada representative vice-chairs the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Group of Experts on the Assessment of Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation for Inland Transport.
  • The Group of Experts advances work to generate and share knowledge and build capacity across the UNECE region, thereby supporting several UN sustainable development goals including:
    • SDG 9: Industries, Innovation and Infrastructure
    • SDG 13 Climate Action, and
    • SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
  • Transport Canada will continue to put in place and refine measures to protect Canada’s at-risk whale populations from negative impacts of vessel traffic, which contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources.
  • The department will advance SDG 13: Climate Action through the implementation, along with its federal partners, of Canada’s strengthened climate plan, A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy.


  • We received $45.8 million over three years through Budget 2019 to carry out the Transportation Sector Regulatory Review Roadmap on Innovation, which includes:
    • commercially testing drones beyond the visual line-of-sight
    • testing of truck platooning technology on Canadian roads

Planned results for Green and Innovative Transportation System

Result 4: Harmful air emissions from transportation in Canada are reduced
Departmental result Departmental result indicator Target Date to achieve target 2017–18 actual results 2018–19 actual result 2019-20 actual results
4a) Harmful air emissions from transportation in Canada are reduced Percentage change in emissions of greenhouse gases from the transportation sector. Emissions from the transportation sector in 2021 are reduced from 2019 levels, helping contribute to the achievement of Canada’s national target to reduce emissions by 30% by 2030 from 2005 levels 2021-12-31 +2.9% (change from 2016 to 2017) +4.1% (change from 2017 to 2018) Data not yet available
Result 5: Canada’s oceans and marine environments are protected from marine shipping impacts
Departmental result Departmental result indicator Target Date to achieve target 2017–18 actual results 2018–19 actual result 2019-20 actual results
5a) Canada’s oceans and marine environments are protected from marine shipping impacts Reduction in the rate of spills into Canada's oceans and marine environmentsFootnote 7 5% reduction in spills from one year to the next 2022-03-31 N/A - New Indicator 0.15/hr 0.0015/hr
5b) Canada’s oceans and marine environments are protected from marine shipping impacts Percentage of vessels 20 meters and greater that are compliant with slowdown measures that mitigate the impacts of vessel traffic on marine species At least 85% 2022-03-31 N/A - New Indicator as of April 1, 2021 N/A - New Indicator as of April 1, 2021 N/A - New Indicator as of April 1, 2021
Result 6: A transportation system that supports innovation
Departmental result Departmental result indicator Target Date to achieve target 2017–18 actual result 2018–19 actual result 2019-20 actual results

6a) A transportation system that supports innovation

Number of new aeronautical products certified

Variance remains +/- 10% year-over-year


N/A - New Indicator


N/A: The indicator is in the process of being revised, to better capture and report on the department’s innovation agenda.

Financial, human resources and performance information for Transport Canada’s Program Inventory is available in the GC InfoBase.

Planned budgetary financial resources for Green and Innovative Transportation System (dollars)
2021–22 budgetary spending (as indicated in Main Estimates) 2021–22 2022–23 2023–24





Financial, human resources and performance information for Transport Canada’s Program Inventory is available in the GC InfoBase.

Planned human resources for Green and Innovative Transportation System
2021–22 planned full-time equivalents 2022–23 planned full-time equivalents 2023–24 planned full-time equivalents




Financial, human resources and performance information for Transport Canada’s Program Inventory is available in the GC InfoBase.

Core responsibility 3: Efficient transportation system


Supports efficient market access to products through investment in Canada’s trade corridors; adopts and implements rules and policies that promote sufficient choice and improved service to Canadian travellers and shippers; and manages transportation assets to ensure value for Canadians.

Planning highlights

  • Support efforts to reduce the impacts of marine shipping on the environment and ecosystems.
  • Build world-leading marine corridors that are competitive, safe and environmentally sustainable, and improve transportation infrastructure in the North.
  • Support reliable ferry services under the Eastern Canada Ferries program, including advancing the procurement of two new vessels to replace the MV Madeleine and MV Holiday Island.
  • Advance the transfer of three Transport Canada owned local ports - Baie-Comeau, Les Méchins, and Pelee Island - under the Ports Assets Transfer Program.
  • Make health and safety related capital investments at Transport Canada’s airports, ports and ferry terminals and in Transport Canada owned ferry vessels.
  • Provide greater choice, better service, lower costs and more rights for consumers.
  • Improve the performance and reliability of Canada’s transportation system to get products to market and grow our economy, including by gathering and engaging stakeholders at the Commodity Supply Chain Table.
  • Invest in trade corridors that will allow Canadians to compete in key global markets, including by carrying out the projects funded through the National Trade Corridors Fund.
  • Complete the National Trade Corridors Fund Arctic and northern call for proposals. Begin to carry out funding decisions for projects chosen under that call, and continue to carry out funding decisions for all projects selected under the fund. Carry out funding decisions for the northern call for proposals as well as the continuous call for proposals for trade diversification projects under the fund.
  • Support the High-Frequency Rail Joint Project Office as it develops and assesses options to create high frequency rail in the Toronto-Ottawa-Montreal-Quebec City Corridor.
  • Assess VIA Rail’s high frequency rail proposal to help the government make a decision on the subject. The due diligence work includes:
    • several research pieces, including reviewing the assessment of route and alignment options
    • technology choice
    • interoperability and integration in Montreal and Toronto
    • revenue and ridership
    • operating and capital costs
    • procurement approaches
  • Launch the Trade and Transportation Information System to inform decision making, improve coordination and planning of capacity, and public/private transportation infrastructure investments, namely:
    • the Canadian Centre on Transportation Data
    • the Trade Data and Information Hub
    • supply chain visibility projects
  • Put in place the Transportation Modernization Act’s public reporting requirements through the creation and management of effective data governance and capacity.
  • Introduce a regulatory proposal for weekly public freight rail service and performance metrics to improve the transparency of Canada’s freight rail network.
  • Create strategies to address labour shortages across all transportation modes by working with industry, stakeholders, and other government partners to support a fully capable and diverse transportation workforce in Canada. This work will focus on underrepresented groups like women and Indigenous peoples by:
    • developing labour market information and analysis
    • conducting targeted awareness and promotion activities
    • modernizing regulations
    • supporting training requirements
  • Support trade and promote economic growth by reviewing the governance structures of marine assets managed on behalf of Transport Canada through the Ports Modernization Review and the St. Lawrence Seaway Review.
  • Undertake and report on initiatives included in the Regulatory Roadmap on International Standards which support regulatory cooperation, support trade, and encourage innovation.
  • The Remote Air Services Program (RASP) is being established to address the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the small air carrier industry.
  • The overall objective of this program is to further support an Efficient Transportation System, specifically to:
    • support a focused and reliable air network for the movement of essential goods and services to remote communities
    • ensure there is continued minimum level of essential air carrier service to remote communities

United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Under Sustainable Development Goal 5 on Gender Equality, we will focus on achieving gender equality in the transportation sector by working with international partners and through international fora like the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation and International Transport Forum.

Planned results for Efficient Transportation System

Result 7: Transportation corridors enable efficient movement of products to market
Departmental result Departmental result indicator Target Date to achieve target 2017–18 achieve target 2018–19 actual result 20019-20 actual results
7a) Transportation corridors enable efficient movement of products to market End-to-end, rail transit time of containers along the trade corridor from Canadian west coast ports to Chicago, including border crossing time Less than or equal to 6.5 days (3-year average TBD end of 2020) 2022-03-31 6.1 Days 7.0 Days 6.5 Days
7b) Transportation corridors enable efficient movement of products to market End-to-end, Canada-side, truck transit time of general freight along the Toronto to United States trade corridor, including border crossing time Between 0 Hours and 25 Hours 2022-03-31 N/A N/A 3.4 Hours
7c) Transportation corridors enable efficient movement of products to market End-to-end transit time of containerized freight arriving from ports in Asia Equal to or under 25 Days 2022-03-31 25.3 Days 27.4 Days 25.9 Days
7d) Transportation corridors enable efficient movement of products to market End-to-end transit time of a select grouping of commodities, such as grains, departing from Canada to Asia Equal to or under 38 Days 2022-03-31 38.5 Days 39.0 Days 39.5 Days
Result 8: Canadian travellers and freight operators benefit from choice and improved service
Departmental result Departmental result indicator Target Date to achieve target 2017–18 actual result 2018–19 actual result 2019-20 actual results
8a) Canadian travellers Percentage of designation requests from Canadian carriers for international scheduled services processed 100% 2022-03-31 N/A – New Indicator N/A – New Indicator N/A – New Indicator
8b) Canadian travellers Percentage of exemption requests from foreign carriers for domestic services processed 100% 2022-03-21 N/A 100% 100%
Result 9: Transport Canada manages its assets effectively
Departmental result Departmental result indicator Target Date to achieve target 2017–18 actual result 2018–19 actual result 2019-20 actual results
9a) Transport Canada manages its assets effectively Availability of Transport Canada owned and managed airports 100% (certain types of events are excluded from the calculation) 2022-03-31 N/A - New Indicator 100% 100%
9b) Transport Canada manages its assets effectively Availability of Transport Canada owned and managed ports 100% (certain types of events are excluded from the calculation) 2022-03-31 N/A - New Indicator 100% 100%
9c) Transport Canada manages its assets effectively Availability of Transport Canada owned and managed ferries 100% (certain types of events are excluded from the calculation) 2022-03-31 N/A - New Indicator 100% 100%

Financial, human resources and performance information for Transport Canada’s Program Inventory is available in the GC InfoBase.

Planned budgetary financial resources for an Efficient Transportation System (dollars)
2021–22 budgetary spending (as indicated in Main Estimates) 2021–22 planned spending 2022–23 planned spending 2023–24 planned spending
911,569,977 911,569,977 759,615,683 693,185,777

Financial, human resources and performance information for Transport Canada’s Program Inventory is available in the GC InfoBase.

Planned human resources for an Efficient Transportation System
2021–22 2022–23 2023–24
498 480 473

Financial, human resources and performance information for Transport Canada’s Program Inventory is available in the GC InfoBase.

Internal Services: planned results


Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that the federal government considers to be services in support of Programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refers to the activities and resources of the 10 distinct lines of services that support Program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These 10 services are:

  • Management and Oversight Services
  • Communications Services
  • Legal Services
  • Human Resources Management Services
  • Financial Management Services
  • Information Management Services
  • Information Technology Services
  • Real Property Management Services
  • Materiel Management Services
  • Acquisition Management Services

Planning highlights

  • Right-size Transport Canada’s vehicle fleet and buy more zero-emission vehicles.
  • Innovate to meet the needs of a rapidly evolving workforce and attract and retain high-quality talent by modernizing our programs and services, like Occupational Health and Safety, Compensation, Diversity and Learning.
  • Use a digital-first approach to inform and engage with stakeholders and Canadians in an open and transparent manner.
  • Transition to a more digital government by better integrating digital, service and data expertise in order to improve government operations and citizen services.
  • In 2021-22, Audit and Evaluation, as part of its evergreen project planning, will continue to assess the department’s risks including those related to COVID initiatives, the new virtual working environment, and steps being taken to strengthen diversity and inclusiveness.
  • Continue the Fee Modernization initiative by advancing regulatory changes, implementing Service Fees Act requirements, and planning the for digital implementation of new fees through improvements in processes and tools while considering the impact of the pandemic on our stakeholders as we move forward.
  • Implement frameworks and practices to modernize TC management and delivery of services to Canadians.

Gender-based analysis plus (GBA+)

  • In support of our vision, GBA+ tools and best practices will continue to be integrated into directorate operations where possible, including policies, programs, regulations, and/or initiatives (e.g., Memorandum to Cabinet, Treasury Board submissions, federal budget proposals, etc.).
  • Currently, our National Collision Database (NCDB) collects demographic data, such as biological sex, on vehicle collisions involving fatalities, serious injuries and property damage. These demographic data will be used to evaluate impacts on gender and diversity in the context of road safety, and to support GBA+ reporting for the department.
  • In 2021-22, we will evaluate data collections practices for the NCDB as part of a broader multimodal analysis of its GBA+ data collection and reporting practices. This analysis will evaluate data quality to ensure these data are collected and reported in accordance with Treasury Board Secretariat policy direction.
  • The department is reviewing and updating prioritized technical training as part of the redesign of training material for virtual delivery (which was required to respond to COVID-19 restrictions). As part of this review and update, the material is reviewed with a GBA+ lens. Going forward, we will continue to apply a GBA+ lens when developing and updating training so that all training materials are free from bias and will develop appropriate training scenarios to advance GBA+ awareness and practices into inspection and enforcement training.


We will explore the use of technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality to transition to a more digital government and improve programs and services to Canadians.

Planned budgetary financial resources for Internal Services (dollars)
2021–22 budgetary spending (as indicated in Main Estimates) 2021–22 planned spending 2022–23 planned spending 2023–24 planned spending
214,715,234 214,715,234 201,434,202 191,159,481
Planned human resources for Internal Services
2021–22 planned full-time equivalents 2022–23 planned full-time equivalents 2023–24 planned full-time equivalents
1,340 1,270 1,225

Spending and human resources

This section provides an overview of the department’s planned spending and human resources for the next three consecutive fiscal years and compares planned spending for the upcoming year with the current and previous years’ actual spending.

Planned spending

Departmental spending 2018–19 to 2023–24

The following graph presents planned (voted and statutory) spending over time.

Departmental spending graph 2018–19 to 2023–24
Departmental spending graph

Fiscal year





























Budgetary planning summary for core responsibilities and Internal Services (dollars)

The following table shows actual, forecast and planned spending for each of Transport Canada’s core responsibilities and for Internal Services for the years relevant to the current planning year.

Core responsibilities and Internal Services 2018–19 expenditures 2019–20 expenditures 2020–21 forecast spending 2021–22 budgetary spending (as indicated in Main Estimates) 2021–22 planned spending 2022–23 planned spending 2023–24 planned spending
CR 1: Safe and Secure Transportation System 422,517,722 453,703,550 506,043,662 444,748,926 444,748,926 399,141,879 353,454,379
CR 2: Green and Innovative Transportation System 165,832,698 389,635,911 330,085,443 480,211,176 480,211,176 204,472,272 140,993,945
CR 3: Efficient Transportation System 443,958,943 644,930,752 1,131,957,374 911,569,977 911,569,977 759,615,683 693,185,777
Subtotal 1,032,309,363 1,488,270,213 1,968,086,479 1,836,530,079 1,836,530,079 1,363,229,834 1,187,634,101
Internal Services 196,621,941 216,950,535 239,632,880 214,715,234 214,715,234 201,434,202 191,159,481
Total 1,228,931,304 1,705,220,748 2,207,719,359 2,051,245,313 2,051,245,313 1,564,664,036 1,378,793,582

Spending Analysis

As illustrated in the departmental spending trend graph, Transport Canada’s expenditures increased from fiscal year 2018-19 and 2019-20 levels to 2020-21. This is mainly due to incremental funding for initiatives such as the National Trade Corridor Fund and Port Asset Transfer Program as well as the new Zero-emission vehicles initiative.

Expenditures slowly start to decrease in 2021-22 mainly related to the one time Capital purchase of the MV Villa de Terror, Port Asset Transfer Program and Oceans Protection Plan as well as other sun setting initiatives such as Gateways and Border Crossings Fund, Support for Remote Communities etc. These are partially offset by increases in 2021-22 for initiatives such as the Zero-emission vehicles initiative, National Trade Corridor Fund and other sun setting funds.

Spending plans decline after 2021-22 mostly due to sun setting funding for initiatives such as the:

  • Zero-emission vehicles initiative
  • Support for Remote Communities
  • Ferry Services Contribution Program
  • Program to Protect Canada's Coastlines and Waterways

A decrease in funding is also expected for various other initiatives such as the and the National Trade Corridor Fund. Capital expenditures are also expected to decrease as a result of sun setting of the Federal Infrastructure Initiatives which was mostly focused on improvements at airports and ports.

The planned spending does not include expected funding for items included in Budget 2021.

Planned human resources

The following table shows actual, forecast and planned full-time equivalents (FTEs) for each core responsibility in Transport Canada’s departmental results framework and to Internal Services for the years relevant to the current planning year.

Human resources planning summary for core responsibilities and Internal Services
Core responsibilities and Internal Services 2018–19 actual full time equivalents 2019–20 actual full time equivalents 2020–21 actual full time equivalents 2021–22 planned full time equivalents 2022–23 planned full time equivalents 2023–24 planned full time equivalents
CR 1: Safe and Secure Transportation System 3,371 3,479 3,509 3,451 3,291 3,047
CR 2: Green and Innovative Transportation System 571 629 681 713 591 449
CR 3: Efficient Transportation System 471 488 481 498 480 473
Subtotal 4,413 4,596 4,671 4,662 4,362 3,969
Internal Services 1,377 1,448 1,543 1,340 1,270 1,225
Total 5,790 6,044 6,214 6,002 5,632 5,194

As illustrated in the above table, FTEs increased from 2018-19 to 2020-21. This increase is mostly due to initiatives such as the Trade, Transportation Corridor Initiative, Protecting Marine life and the Trans Mountain Expansion project.

Planned FTEs are expected to decline after 2020-21, primarily as a result of reduced and sun setting funding for initiatives such as the Trade, Transportation Corridor Initiative, Oceans Protection Plan, Transformation and the Trans Mountain Expansion project.

The planned FTEs do not include expected funding for items included in Budget 2021.

Estimates by vote

Information on the Transport Canada’s organizational appropriations is available in the 2021–22 Main Estimates.

Condensed Future-oriented statement of operations

The future‑oriented condensed statement of operations provides an overview of the Transport Canada’s operations for 2020–21 to 2021–22.

The amounts for forecast and planned results in this statement of operations were prepared on an accrual basis. The amounts for forecast and planned spending presented in other sections of the Departmental Plan were prepared on an expenditure basis. Amounts may therefore differ.

A more detailed future‑oriented statement of operations and associated notes, including a reconciliation of the net cost of operations to the requested authorities, are available on Transport Canada’s website.

Condensed future‑oriented statement of operations for the year ending March 31, 2022 (in dollars)
Financial information 2020–21 Forecast results 2021–22 Planned results Difference (2021–22 Planned results minus 2020–21 Forecast results)
Total expenses 2,057,929,301 2,257,941,818 200,012,517
Total revenues 65,501,462 83,134,000 17,632,538
Net cost of operations before government funding and transfers 1,992,427,839 2,174,807,818 182,379,979

Note: Due to rounding, the figures may not agree with the totals or details provided elsewhere. These figures are prepared on an accrual basis and therefore differ from the planned spending in other sections of this Departmental Plan.

Corporate information

Organizational profile

Appropriate minister: The Honourable Omar Alghabra, Minister of Transport

Institutional head: Michael Keenan

Ministerial portfolio: Transport Canada

The Transport Portfolio includes:

Grouping these organizations into one portfolio allows for integrated decision making on transportation issues.

Enabling instrument(s): Department of Transport Act (R.S., 1985, c. T-18)

Transport Canada administers over 50 laws related to transportation and shares the administration of many others. Justice Canada is the federal department responsible for maintaining the Consolidated Statutes of Canada and provides access to the full text of federal acts and regulations.

Year of incorporation / commencement: 1936

Raison d’être, mandate and role: who we are and what we do

Raison d’être, mandate and role: who we are and what we do” is available on Transport Canada’s website.

For more information on the department’s organizational mandate letter commitments, see the “Minister’s mandate letter”.

Operating context

Information on the operating context is available on Transport Canada’s website.

Reporting framework

The Transport Canada approved departmental results framework and program inventory for 2021–22 are as follows.

Core Responsibility 1: Safe and Secure Transportation System

Result 1: A safe transportation system

Result Indicators: (air, marine, rail) Accident rates over a 10-year period; fatality rates over a 10-year period.

Result Indicators: Rate of reportable road traffic collisions in Canada; rate of serious injuries in reportable road traffic collisions in Canada; rate of fatalities in reportable road traffic collisions in Canada.

Result 2: A secure transportation system

Result Indicators: Time to Revoke Transportation Security Clearances.

Result Indicator: Total number of Transportation Security Clearance (TSC) Applications processed versus TSC Applications received.

Result Indicator: Rate of compliance of air sector operators with Transport Canada’s security regulations.

Result 3: A modern safety and security regime that supports economic growth

Result Indicator: Percentage of new Canadian Rail Safety operating and equipment safety rules aligned with the US Rail Safety operating and equipment rules.

Result Indicators: Percentage of Transport Canada's security regulations aligned with international transportation standards (air).

Result Indicators: (air, marine) Percentage of client requests for safety or security authorizations that meet Transport Canada's service standards.

Result Indicator: Percentage of Transport Canada safety regulations that align with international transportation standards.

Program Inventory under Core Responsibility 1:

  • Aviation Safety Regulatory Framework
  • Aviation Safety Oversight
  • Aviation Security Regulatory Framework
  • Aviation Security Oversight
  • Aircraft Services
  • Marine Safety Regulatory Framework
  • Marine Safety Oversight
  • Marine Security Regulatory Framework
  • Marine Security Oversight
  • Rail Safety Regulatory Framework
  • Rail Safety Oversight
  • Rail Safety Improvement Program
  • Multimodal and Road Safety Regulatory Framework
  • Multimodal and Road Safety Oversight
  • Intermodal Surface Security Regulatory Framework
  • Intermodal Surface Security Oversight
  • TDG Regulatory Framework
  • TDG Oversight
  • TDG Technical Support
  • Security Screening Certification
  • Emergency Management

Core Responsibility 2: Green and Innovative Transportation System

Result 4: Harmful air emissions from transportation in Canada are reduced

Result Indicator: Percentage change in emissions of greenhouse gases from the transportation sector from 2005 levels.

Result 5: Canada's oceans and marine environments are protected from marine shipping impacts

Result Indicator: Rate of spills into Canada's ocean and marine environments per thousand active vessels.

Results Indicator: Percentage of vessels 20 meters and greater that are compliant with slowdown measures that mitigate the impacts of vessel traffic on marine species.

Result 6: A transportation system that supports innovation

Result Indicator: Number of new aeronautical products certified.

Program Inventory under Core Responsibility 2

  • Climate Change and Clean Air
  • Protecting Oceans and Waterways
  • Environmental Stewardship of Transportation
  • Transportation Innovation
  • Indigenous and Navigation Protection

Core Responsibility 3: Efficient Transportation System

Result 7: Transportation corridors enable efficient movement of products to market

Result Indicator: End-to-end, transit time of containers along the trade corridor from Canadian west coast ports to Chicago, including border crossing time. 

Result Indicator: End-to-end, Canada-side, truck transit time of general freight along the Toronto to United States trade corridor, including border crossing time.

Result Indicator: End-to-end transit time of containerized freight arriving from ports in Asia.

Result Indicator: End-to-end transit time of a select grouping of commodities, such as grains, departing from Canada to Asia.

Result 8: Canadian travellers and freight operators benefit from choice and improved service

Result Indicator: Percentage of designation requests from Canadian carriers for international scheduled services processed.

Result Indicator: Percentage of exemption requests from foreign carriers for domestic services processed.

Result 9: Transport Canada manages its assets effectively

Result Indicators: Availability of Transport Canada owned and managed transportation assets (airports, ports, ferries).

Program Inventory under Core Responsibility 3

  • Transportation Marketplace Frameworks
  • Transportation Analysis
  • National Trade Corridors
  • Transportation Infrastructure

Supporting information on the program inventory

Supporting information on planned expenditures, human resources, and results related to the Transport Canada’s program inventory is available in the GC InfoBase.

Supplementary information tables

The following supplementary information tables are available on Transport Canada’s website:

  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy
  • Details on transfer payment programs
  • Gender-based analysis plus (GBA+)
  • Horizontal initiatives

Federal tax expenditures

Transport Canada’s Departmental Plan does not include information on tax expenditures that relate to its planned results for 2021–22.

Tax expenditures are the responsibility of the Minister of Finance, and the Department of Finance Canada publishes cost estimates and projections for government-wide tax expenditures each year in the Report on Federal Tax Expenditures. This report provides detailed information on tax expenditures, including objectives, historical background and references to related federal spending programs, as well as evaluations, research papers and gender-based analysis. The tax measures presented in this report are solely the responsibility of the Minister of Finance.

Organizational contact information

Mailing address
Transport Canada (ADI)
330 Sparks Street
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0N5

Telephone: 613-990-2309

Fax: 613-954-4731


Website: Transport Canada’s website

Appendix: definitions

appropriation (crédit)
Any authority of Parliament to pay money out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
budgetary expenditures (dépenses budgétaires)
Operating and capital expenditures; transfer payments to other levels of government, organizations or individuals; and payments to Crown corporations.
core responsibility (responsabilité essentielle)
An enduring function or role performed by a department. The intentions of the department with respect to a core responsibility are reflected in one or more related departmental results that the department seeks to contribute to or influence.
Departmental Plan (plan ministériel)
A report on the plans and expected performance of a department over a 3‑year period. Departmental Plans are tabled in Parliament each spring.
departmental priority (priorité ministérielle)
A plan or project that a department has chosen to focus and report on during the planning period. Departmental priorities represent the things that are most important or what must be done first to support the achievement of the desired departmental results.
departmental result (résultat ministériel)
A consequence or outcome that a department seeks to achieve. A departmental result is often outside departments’ immediate control, but it should be influenced by program-level outcomes.
departmental result indicator (indicateur de résultat ministériel)
A factor or variable that provides a valid and reliable means to measure or describe progress on a departmental result.
departmental results framework (cadre ministériel des résultats)
A framework that consists of the department’s core responsibilities, departmental results and departmental result indicators.
Departmental Results Report (rapport sur les résultats ministériels)
A report on a department’s actual accomplishments against the plans, priorities and expected results set out in the corresponding Departmental Plan.
experimentation (expérimentation)
The conducting of activities that seek to first explore, then test and compare, the effects and impacts of policies and interventions in order to inform evidence-based decision-making, and improve outcomes for Canadians, by learning what works and what doesn’t. Experimentation is related to, but distinct form innovation (the trying of new things), because it involves a rigorous comparison of results. For example, using a new website to communicate with Canadians can be an innovation; systematically testing the new website against existing outreach tools or an old website to see which one leads to more engagement, is experimentation.
full‑time equivalent (équivalent temps plein)
A measure of the extent to which an employee represents a full person‑year charge against a departmental budget. Full‑time equivalents are calculated as a ratio of assigned hours of work to scheduled hours of work. Scheduled hours of work are set out in collective agreements.
gender-based analysis plus (GBA+) (analyse comparative entre les sexes plus [ACS+])
An analytical process used to assess how diverse groups of women, men and gender-diverse people experience policies, programs and services based on multiple factors including race, ethnicity, religion, age, and mental or physical disability.
government-wide priorities (priorités pangouvernementales)
For the purpose of the 2021–22 Departmental Plan, government-wide priorities refers to those high-level themes outlining the government’s agenda in the 2020 Speech from the Throne, namely: Protecting Canadians from COVID-19; Helping Canadians through the pandemic; Building back better – a resiliency agenda for the middle class; The Canada we’re fighting for.
horizontal initiative (initiative horizontale)
An initiative in which two or more federal organizations are given funding to pursue a shared outcome, often linked to a government priority.
non‑budgetary expenditures (dépenses non budgétaires)
Net outlays and receipts related to loans, investments and advances, which change the composition of the financial assets of the Government of Canada.
performance (rendement)
What an organization did with its resources to achieve its results, how well those results compare to what the organization intended to achieve, and how well lessons learned have been identified.
performance indicator (indicateur de rendement)
A qualitative or quantitative means of measuring an output or outcome, with the intention of gauging the performance of an organization, program, policy or initiative respecting expected results.
performance reporting (production de rapports sur le rendement)
The process of communicating evidence‑based performance information. Performance reporting supports decision-making, accountability and transparency.
plan (plan)
The articulation of strategic choices, which provides information on how an organization intends to achieve its priorities and associated results. Generally a plan will explain the logic behind the strategies chosen and tend to focus on actions that lead up to the expected result.
planned spending (dépenses prévues)

For Departmental Plans and Departmental Results Reports, planned spending refers to those amounts presented in the Main Estimates.

A department is expected to be aware of the authorities that it has sought and received. The determination of planned spending is a departmental responsibility, and departments must be able to defend the expenditure and accrual numbers presented in their Departmental Plans and Departmental Results Reports.

program (programme)
Individual or groups of services, activities or combinations thereof that are managed together within the department and focus on a specific set of outputs, outcomes or service levels.
program inventory (répertoire des programmes)
Identifies all of the department’s programs and describes how resources are organized to contribute to the department’s core responsibilities and results.
result (résultat)
An external consequence attributed, in part, to an organization, policy, program or initiative. Results are not within the control of a single organization, policy, program or initiative; instead they are within the area of the organization’s influence.
statutory expenditures (dépenses législatives)
Expenditures that Parliament has approved through legislation other than appropriation acts. The legislation sets out the purpose of the expenditures and the terms and conditions under which they may be made.
strategic outcome (résultat stratégique)
A long-term and enduring benefit to Canadians that is linked to the organization’s mandate, vision and core functions.
target (cible)
A measurable performance or success level that an organization, program or initiative plans to achieve within a specified time period. Targets can be either quantitative or qualitative.
voted expenditures (dépenses votées)
Expenditures that Parliament approves annually through an Appropriation Act. The vote wording becomes the governing conditions under which these expenditures may be made.