
Your opinion is important to us. Help us develop transportation related policies, programs and services for Canada.

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List of consultations

Displaying 76 - 100 of 152
Closing date Topic Title Description
Closed Aviation Modernizing safety management systems policy review: Civil aviation

Transport Canada is conducting a Safety Management Systems (SMS) policy review of the Canadian aviation sectors currently regulated to have SMS requirements under the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs). We want your comments as to how best to improve SMS.

Closed Road Creating a standard for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

Transport Canada wants feedback on updating the Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations to include advanced driver assistance systems

Closed Road Should automatic emergency braking systems be required for new vehicles?

Transport Canada wants feedback on updating the Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations to require automatic emergency braking and pedestrian automatic emergency braking on all new vehicles in Canada, in particular school buses and commercial trucks, but also passenger cars, multi-purpose passenger vehicles, and buses.

Closed Road Improving School Bus Safety in Canada

Transport Canada wants feedback on adding new technologies to the Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations to improve school bus safety.

Closed Marine Let’s Talk Navigation – Minor Works Order (Phase 2)

We’re looking for feedback about our plans to restructure and change the Minor Works Order.

Closed Marine Proposed Maritime Safety Management System Regulations, 2021

Through consultation and a detailed cost-benefit analysis, Transport Canada has developed a realistic and affordable proposal for adding safety management system requirements to more Canadian vessels.

Closed Marine Change in the Coming Into Force Date of the Automatic Identification Systems Carriage Requirements – Navigation Safety Regulations, 2020

Transport Canada would like to change the coming into force date to six months (from one year) after the Regulations are registered, to align with the original spring 2021 date.

Closed Marine Compensation for ship-source oil spills

We recently made changes to the Marine Liability Act to make sure all eligible claims from any spill are compensated. We’d like you to tell us how an oil spill caused by a ship could cause damage or losses to your community.

Closed Aviation Modernizing the Canadian Aviation Regulations: Helicopter/Heliport and Commercial Aircraft Operations

Transport Canada is conducting an aviation safety regulatory review to modernize the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs). We want your comments related to helicopter/heliport and commercial aircraft operations.

Closed Aviation Modernizing the Canadian Aviation Regulations: Personnel Training, Qualifications and Licensing

Transport Canada is conducting an aviation safety regulatory review to modernize the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs). We want your comments related to personnel training, qualifications and licensing.

Closed Marine Let’s Talk Marine Fuel in the Arctic

We are looking for your input on how Canada can reduce environmental risks associated with marine fuel spills in the Arctic, and whether a ban on the use of heavy fuel oil (HFO) is the best way to do this.

Closed Aviation Public Consultation on Proposed Purchase of Transat A.T. Inc. by Air Canada

Air Canada and Transat A.T. Inc. notified the Minister of Transport that Air Canada proposes to purchase Transat A.T. Inc.

The Minister decided that the proposed purchase raised public interest issues about national transportation, and directed Transport Canada to begin a public interest assessment.

Closed Marine Let’s Talk Proactive Vessel Management

As a waterway user or coastal community resident, we wanted your feedback on the traffic issues and conflicts you face so we can develop measures for safe navigation and environmental protection in local waterways.

Closed TDG Let’s Talk Electronic Shipping Documents

Transport Canada (TC) is looking for your input as we try to identify timely and flexible solutions to update the International harmonization updates to the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations with paperless alternatives.

Closed Marine Share and view ideas: Let’s talk navigation—Adding navigable waters to the new Canadian Navigable Waters Act Schedule

Transport Canada is proposing to add navigable waterways to the Schedule of the new Canadian Navigable Waters Act (CNWA), should it become law. We want to hear from you. Learn more about our proposed changes.

Closed Aviation Locked Checked Baggage

Transport Canada is proposing to have the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA), rather than airlines, cut locks and seals on checked bags it needs to open and search. We want to hear your feedback on this proposed change.

Closed Aviation Share and view ideas: Let's Talk Drones

We are seeking your feedback on our recently published Regulations Amending the Canadian Aviation Regulations (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS).

Closed Aviation Share and view ideas: Modernizing the Canadian Aviation Regulations: Part II Aircraft Identification and Registration

Transport Canada is conducting an aviation safety regulatory review to modernize the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs).

Closed Marine Share and view ideas: Let’s talk navigation — Minor Works (Phase 1)

Transport Canada is developing updates to its Minor Works Order, to be implemented should Bill C-69 become law. We want to hear from you. Learn more about our proposed changes.

Closed TDG Highway and TC portable tanks for the transport of dangerous goods

The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) has released the drafts of the update to safety standards CSA B620, CSA B621 and CSA B622 for a 60-day consultation period. Once the safety standards have been finalized and published, a notice will be issued specifying the coming into force date of the updated standards.

Closed Aviation Share and view ideas: Lasers - Interim Order No. 2

Transport Canada has renewed the Interim Order (Interim Order No. 2) for an additional year. The Interim Order was signed by the Minister of Transport Canada on June 10, 2019 and remains in effect until June 10, 2020. Transport Canada will continue to be proactive in consulting with stakeholders concerning the Interim Order.

Closed Marine Let’s Talk Pleasure Craft Safety

Transport Canada is reviewing the benefits and risks of accepting new options for Personal Floatation Devices (PFDs) and Electronic Visual Distress Signals Devices (eVDSD). We want your input on the safety effects for boaters.

Closed Rail Let’s Talk Freight-Rail Data

We invite railways, freight-rail users, and interested Canadians to share their feedback on the type of data needed to better understand Canada's freight-rail system.

Closed TDG Consultation on the International harmonization updates to the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations

Transport Canada is currently consulting on proposed amendments to the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (TDGR).

Closed Marine Introducing a Fee for Marine Insurance Certification Services

As part of Modernizing Transport Canada's fees for services, we are proposing introducing a fee for marine insurance certification services, and we want your feedback.