
Your opinion is important to us. Help us develop transportation related policies, programs and services for Canada.

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List of consultations

Displaying 51 - 75 of 159
Closing date Topic Title Description
Closed Rail Let’s Talk Rail Safety – Modernizing the Railway Employee Qualification Standards Regulations

Transport Canada is inviting interested stakeholders to comment on the proposed changes to the Railway Employee Qualification Standards Regulations under the Railway Safety Act.

Closed Road Allowing Product Identification Numbers for restricted-use vehicles

Transport Canada wants feedback on updating the regulations to allow restricted-use vehicles to use a PIN instead of a VIN.

Closed Rail What We Heard Report: Modernizing the Railway Employee Qualification Standards Regulations

What we heard report for Let’s Talk: Modernizing the Railway Employee Qualification Standards Regulations

Closed Road Updating regulations to modernize and strengthen motor vehicle safety for Canadians

Transport Canada wants feedback on updating regulations under the Motor Vehicle Safety Act to improve how we identify possible safety issues in vehicles and equipment, and to improve Canadians’ access to vehicle recall information.

Closed TDG Aerosol Containers and Gas Cartridges for Transport of Dangerous Goods (CAN/CGSB-43.123)

60 day Consultation. Safety standard CAN/CGSB-43.123 sets out the requirements for designing, manufacturing, testing, selecting and using aerosol containers and gas cartridges.

Closed Marine Modernizing fees for the Vessel Registry

Transport Canada’s Vessel Registry includes information on more than 46,000 vessels in the Large Vessel Register and over 25,000 vessels in the Small Vessel Register.

As we continue modernizing our services, we want your feedback on changes we’re proposing for our vessel registry services in 2023.

Closed Marine What we heard: Public consultation on modernizing fees for Transport Canada’s vessel registry services

Between August 13, 2021 and January 25, 2022, Transport Canada held a public consultation on proposed changes to the vessel registry services. This report summarizes what we heard during this public consultation.

Closed Marine Public consultation on the Regulatory charge (fee) proposal for the Vessel Remediation Fund

Transport Canada is proposing to introduce a regulatory charge (fee) to finance a proposed Vessel Remediation Fund that would help the government to deal with problem vessels (abandoned, wrecked or hazardous vessels).

We want your feedback on the proposed charge.

Closed Marine What we heard: Public consultation on a regulatory charge for the Vessel Remediation Fund

Between August 11, 2021 and January 25, 2022, Transport Canada held a public consultation on proposed creation of a Vessel Remediation Fund regulatory charge. This report summarizes what we heard during this public consultation.

Closed Rail Let’s Talk Rail Safety – Safety Culture Policy Statement

In response to Recommendation 2 of the 2018 Railway Safety Act Review, Transport Canada has developed a Safety Culture Policy Statement.

Closed Marine Modernizing the Domestic Ferries Security Regulations

We want to modernize Canada’s regulations to make sure that the marine transportation security framework (system of laws that keeps marine transportation in Canada safe) continues to be appropriate, effective, and can respond to modern threats and risks to the marine transportation system.

Closed TDG Transport Canada's Means of Containment Facilities Registration Program

Transport Canada (TC) is holding a webinar on the upcoming proposed regulations that will introduce new fees for companies who are required to be registered under the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Directorate’s Means of Containment Facilities Registration Program.

Closed Marine Consultation on Draft Voluntary Guidance for Relevant Authorities on In-Water Cleaning of Vessels

Transport Canada is collaborating with stakeholders and the public to develop Voluntary Guidance for Relevant Authorities on In-Water Cleaning of Vessels.

Closed Marine Submit your feedback on adding administrative monetary penalties to the Canada Marine Act

Transport Canada wants to hear your thoughts about adding administrative monetary penalties to the Canada Marine Act and its regulations.

Closed TDG Design, manufacture and use of intermediate bulk containers for the transportation of dangerous goods, Classes 3, 4, 5, 6.1, 8, and 9 (CAN/CGSB-43.146)

The Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) has released the draft of Safety Standard CAN/CGSB-43.146 for a 60-day consultation period.

Closed Road Updating the requirements for Technical Standards Document (TSD) 208 – Occupant Crash Protection

We are looking for your feedback on the changes Transport Canada is proposing.

Closed Marine Comments on adding new contraventions to the Canada Marine Act

Transport Canada wants to be able to deal with more minor offences by issuing tickets. For this, we are seeking to designate as contraventions in the Contraventions Regulations new provisions of the Canada Marine Act and the following regulations made under that Act:

Closed Marine Let’s Talk: Modernizing the Marine Transportation Security Regulations

Transport Canada is proposing changes to the Marine Transportation Security Regulations. We want your feedback about the proposed changes.

Closed Marine Consultation overview: Adding new contraventions to the Canada Marine Act

What We Heard Report for online consultation held from March 18 to April 14, 2021 on the Canada Marine Act Contraventions Regulations.

Closed Rail Comment on the proposed amendments to Schedule X of the Contraventions Regulations

Transport Canada is inviting interested stakeholders to comment on the proposed amendments to Schedule X of the Contraventions Regulations with regards to provisions under the Railway Safety Act.

Closed Rail Transport Canada would like to modify the Grade Crossings Regulations

The Grade Crossings Regulations and Grade Crossings Standards help improve safety by setting broad and enforceable safety standards for both new and existing grade crossings in Canada.

The regulations require any railway company, road authority or private owner of an existing crossing to comply with the requirements of the regulations by November 28, 2021.

Over the past year, stakeholders have expressed concerns about the deadline and their ability to meet the requirements.

Closed Rail What we heard report: Transport Canada wants to update the Grade Crossings Regulations

What we heard report for Transport Canada wants to update the Grade Crossings Regulations consultation held between January 4 and February 3, 2021.

Closed TDG Packaging of Category A and Category B infectious substances (Class 6, Division 6.2) and clinical, (bio) medical or regulated medical waste (CAN/CGSB-43.125)

The Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) has released the draft of Safety Standard CAN/CGSB-43.125 for a 60-day consultation period.

Closed Rail Amending the Transportation Information Regulations to collect data from Class 1 rail carriers

Transport Canada has now developed a detailed proposal, which has been shared with stakeholders to support a further round of consultations on changes to freight rail data collection.

Closed Road Updating the requirements for exemption labelling

Transport Canada wants your feedback on ways to improve exemption labelling