
Your opinion is important to us. Help us develop transportation related policies, programs and services for Canada.

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List of consultations

Displaying 26 - 50 of 152
Closing date Topic Title Description
Closed Marine Share and view ideas: Strengthening marine safety and environmental protection through potential amendments to the Canada Shipping Act, 2001

Transport Canada would like to hear your views on potential changes to the Canada shipping Act, 2001. We want to hear from Indigenous peoples and marine stakeholders that are directly involved in or affected by marine shipping. Your feedback will support discussions and decisions on the proposed legislative changes.

Closed Marine Share and view ideas: Alternative requirements for designing, constructing, and safety equipment for aquaculture barges

Currently, the requirements for inspecting, designing, constructing, equipping, and certifying aquaculture barges that carry or accommodate crew are outlined in 13 different regulations and standards made under the Canada Shipping Act, 2001. Transport Canada is proposing an alternative option to the design, construction, and safety equipment requirements.

Closed Marine Let’s Talk Marine Safety – Modernizing vessel traffic services

Canada tracks and manages marine traffic via three different regulations. Transport Canada wants your feedback on creating a new regulation to replace these three existing regulations.

Closed Aviation Let’s Talk Aviation Safety – Updating the Vancouver International Airport Zoning Regulations

Transport Canada wants to update the Vancouver International Airport Zoning Regulations, which haven’t been updated for over 30 years. The changes we’re proposing will limit the heights of future development near the airport. They will also include rules that minimize the risk of bird strikes and ban electronic interference with communications to and from aircraft.

Closed Marine Let’s Talk: Adding new contraventions to various marine security regulations

Transport Canada is proposing changes to the Contraventions Regulations . We want your thoughts on adding new contraventions to the Marine Transportation Security Act , the Marine Transportation Security Regulations and the Domestic Ferries Security Regulations .

Closed Aviation Let’s Talk Drones 2022

Transport Canada and the CanaDAC would like to hear from you about our first year of work to help guide future directions of the committee.

Closed Aviation Public consultation on modernizing fees for aircraft registration services

As we continue modernizing our aircraft registration services, we want your feedback on changes we’re proposing for these services that would come into effect in 2024.

Closed TDG Containers for Transport of Dangerous Goods by Rail (CAN/CGSB-43.147)

The Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) has released the draft of Safety Standard CAN/CGSB-43.147 for a 60-day consultation period. Safety standard CAN/CGSB-43.147 sets out the requirements for designing, manufacturing, maintaining, qualifying, inspecting, marking, selecting and using tank cars.

Closed Aviation Public Consultation on Proposed Acquisition of Sunwing Vacations and Sunwing Airlines by WestJet Airlines Ltd.

WestJet Airlines Ltd. and Sunwing Travel Group have notified the Minister of Transport that WestJet proposes to acquire Sunwing Vacations and Sunwing Airlines.

The Minister has decided that the proposed acquisition raised public interest considerations with respect to the national transportation system and directed Transport Canada to begin a public interest assessment. The assessment will include input from the Commissioner of Competition, who will look at how the acquisition would impact competition in the air sector.

A public consultation is a key part of the public interest assessment. Canadians are invited to share their views on the proposed acquisition.

Closed Marine Modernizing the Domestic Ferries Security Regulations (2022)

We want to modernize Canada’s regulations to make sure that the marine transportation security framework (system of laws that keeps marine transportation in Canada safe) continues to be appropriate, effective, and can respond to modern threats and risks to the marine transportation system.

Closed Marine Consultation on the Discussion Paper: Updating Administrative Monetary Penalties under the Canada Shipping Act, 2001

Transport Canada wants your feedback on a proposed framework for determining and applying administrative monetary penalties up to the maximum penalty amount of $250,000 per violation.

Closed Marine Let’s Talk: Responding to oil spills with alternative response measures

The federal government is considering legal changes to enable the safe and appropriate use of alternative response measures to address oil spills in Canada, regardless of the spill source. We want your feedback on the potential changes.

Closed Marine Changes to the Small Vessel Regulations to allow operation of propeller-driven surfboard-type and other similar vessels and regulate their construction

Through this consultation, you have the chance to provide feedback on changes that Transport Canada is considering that will allow the operation of propeller-driven surfboard-type vessels and regulate their construction.

Closed Marine Let’s Talk Small Vessels Noise Emissions

Through this consultation, you have the chance to provide feedback on changes that Transport Canada is considering to address vessel engine noise emissions.

Closed Rail Let’s Talk Fatigue in the Rail industry - Consultation on proposed Fatigue Management System Regulations

Transport Canada wants to introduce Fatigue Management System Regulations, that would apply to all federally regulated railway companies and their employees.

Closed Aviation, Marine, Rail, Road Let’s Talk Supply Chains

Transport Canada understands that supply chain issues have wide-ranging impacts and would like to hear the views of all Canadians. We want to continue this important conversation and gather additional comments, questions, and feedback from the public.

Closed Rail Share and view ideas: Public consultation on the Lac-Mégantic rail bypass construction project

Transport Canada invites interested parties to participate in a public consultation and to comment on the Lac-Mégantic Rail Bypass Construction project.

Closed Marine Consultation on updating the Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations (2020 submission)

Transport Canada wants feedback on updating the Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations (2020 submission)

Closed Rail Let’s Talk Rail Safety – Modernizing the Railway Employee Qualification Standards Regulations

Transport Canada is inviting interested stakeholders to comment on the proposed changes to the Railway Employee Qualification Standards Regulations under the Railway Safety Act.

Closed Road Allowing Product Identification Numbers for restricted-use vehicles

Transport Canada wants feedback on updating the regulations to allow restricted-use vehicles to use a PIN instead of a VIN.

Closed Rail What We Heard Report: Modernizing the Railway Employee Qualification Standards Regulations

What we heard report for Let’s Talk: Modernizing the Railway Employee Qualification Standards Regulations

Closed Road Updating regulations to modernize and strengthen motor vehicle safety for Canadians

Transport Canada wants feedback on updating regulations under the Motor Vehicle Safety Act to improve how we identify possible safety issues in vehicles and equipment, and to improve Canadians’ access to vehicle recall information.

Closed TDG Aerosol Containers and Gas Cartridges for Transport of Dangerous Goods (CAN/CGSB-43.123)

60 day Consultation. Safety standard CAN/CGSB-43.123 sets out the requirements for designing, manufacturing, testing, selecting and using aerosol containers and gas cartridges.

Closed Marine Modernizing fees for the Vessel Registry

Transport Canada’s Vessel Registry includes information on more than 46,000 vessels in the Large Vessel Register and over 25,000 vessels in the Small Vessel Register.

As we continue modernizing our services, we want your feedback on changes we’re proposing for our vessel registry services in 2023.

Closed Marine What we heard: Public consultation on modernizing fees for Transport Canada’s vessel registry services

Between August 13, 2021 and January 25, 2022, Transport Canada held a public consultation on proposed changes to the vessel registry services. This report summarizes what we heard during this public consultation.